Friday, February 28, 2014

Running Is Madness #WeRunAnyway

From time to time we'll pass the pen in this piece because I can't do all this writing and running by myself. Hell, I'm not doing all this running by myself! #RunLikeHella #OaklandMarathonRelay #Leg2... Anyway, here's one of my favorite people to rock, run, poorty, pass out and shenanigan with, my homey-running-friend...EBoogie aka Alicia Keykey aka...or actually, kbtgasma (known by the government and sallie mae as) Erin Hamer... Let's have it homey!

Why do bad things happen to good people? I pay my tithes, I assist patients on dialysis, and I eat my vegetables (and makes Lee eat them too)! So when last year’s California International Marathon, better known as the “CIM” rolled around, I expected nothing but greatness! I mean, this was my 3rd year running it in a row. Every year has been great; this year should be no different, right? WRONG. Dead WRONG.

Let me educate you: The CIM is a marathon almost as old as me. It’s been a favorite of all runners since its first race on December 4, 1983. Crazy participants may choose to over exert themselves and run the entire 26.2 miles on their own while others (who have sense #likeus) sign up for the reasonable relay challenge.  The relay challenge allows you and 3 other under achievers (lol!) to divide the 26.2 into 4 parts thus making the marathon more manageable. My friends and I signed up for the race and I was given the 3rd leg which was 7 miles. 

So... I complete my 7 miles like a’s nothing. It’s a lifestyle. I pass the timing leg strap to my girl so she can bring it home with the last leg and I search for my husband to get a lift to the finish line (and a mimosa). After about 45 minutes of walking the streets of Sacramento, I realize “it’s” happening. Yes, I’m unable to use my mobile phone due to a battery that keeps going dead. Yes, there’s no way I’m going to get to my husband because of all the barricades. And finally YES, I’m going to have to run the rest of this race in order to stay warm and get to my people thus making me run an additional 6 miles! My face at this epiphany...

After this horrid experience, it led me to join a conversation with other runners who shared their experiences where they too had this face. I’ve collected a few of my favorites for your reading pleasure.
How much is Lee's life insurance policy again? #HisDaysAreNumbered

·        ...someone who doesn’t run tells you that your times are slow. (exactly)
·         ...your mom (or that girl from that dumb @$$ show) says, “Let’s do a marathon!” but really means a 5k. (#icant with yall!)
·         ...your Nike Fuel Band didn’t register 1/2 of your marathon time...sigh
·        ...a teen or inexperienced volunteer says, “You’re almost there honey” and you’re only at mile 6 of a half marathon. (I always cry real tears here)
· onlooker reads my hat and says “Black Girls Run”?? and laughs hysterically.
·        ...the person running beside you shoots out a big snot rocket.
·        ...they move the finish line and you swore you just saw it! Delirious!
· check your bank statement/credit card and see that you spent more on race fees than groceries for the month. (#MyEntireBankingLife)
·        ...there’s a 10 deep line for the only porta potty on the route.
· see the volunteers mixing the Gatorade with their hands.
· train for a simple 5k, arrive to the race and discover it’s a 10 mile trail run. (the swindle)
· finish the 13 and realize you still have the 0.1 to go. (I've actually thought about stopping at this point)

And finally, for our awesome Blogger-In-Chief, Nateezy (fo sheezy, a.k.a. Beyonté)...

·        When there’s no medal for a run! Say what?!!! (Vegas 2011... #neverforget)

Despite all of the shenanigans, I love to run. Running is a mental sport...and we’re all insane!


  1. Go Girl!!!! I laughed sooooo hard yesterday! It took everything within me to not post it immediately!!!

    Oh the list goes, "That look on a runners face starts to rain at the point you've reached the farthest distance from the finish line...and you're black, and you have nothing to cover your hair with." #Oh #JustMe lol

  2. OMG! I am dying over here!!! this made my night!!!

    The look on a runners face when......
