The homey got a new job! I’m so
happy for her. Typically, a new professional experience starts out exciting. In
reality, it doesn’t always end that way because you find yourself searching at
some point. But in that moment, when you’re in a situation where your time has
passed – for good or for otherwise – getting that new offer letter is
everything! It means everything. That two-week notice can’t come (and go) quick
enough! Summa’yall won’t even do that. Also, I’m part of the summa’yall, so
there is that. #NoJudgement
#GetOut #WhileYoureYetAlive
So, at some point we’ll turn up,
then swirl up (at the new location), because the squad is coming
up! We will talk about all she went
through in that past experience over a super fancy dinner,
so she can step into that new experience free of that former job residue.
There’s just one problem though.
Her last employer was…
…the Church.
Yall. *pray
for me*
When the opportunity was
presented to her, she came to the squad for counsel. Everyone provided thoughts
and considerations, but ultimately decided that whatever decision she made, we
would support. I was in that camp too #LiesToldInBlogs. But, I
also pitched my tent *proverbially
– you know I ain’t going camping* somewhere else. I wasn’t so
sure it was the best job to take – which is what I told her in so many (petty) words.
And no, this is not me saying I told you so. I actually hate it when I’m in
the position to say I told you so. Honestly, I wish I didn’t know.
That’s what I say. Every time. I really wish that I didn’t know.
So, let’s deep dive into this.
Why did I think it was a bad idea to work for the Church?
Well, glad you asked. It starts
all the way back to my childhood *repressed memory alert*. We
were getting ready for Vacation Bible School. You know, that week long summer
school at Church experience. You know, the summer time where you been running
SCHOOL, so you got plenty of time to learn about Jesus, so you’re going to
school for vacation. Bring ya’ bible. As we were getting ready for Vacation
Bible School, I remember my mother making us change from our play clothes into
other stuff. Not quite school clothes, not exactly church clothes, but
definitely nicer than what we would be wearing in the summertime, because we’re
going to Church. Put a skirt on! because woes be unto the woman-child
that got some pants on in the house of the Lord – Granny don’t play that.
I never understood, for the life
of me, why it mattered what I wore. And this is beyond the come as you are
scripture references. Like, what do people wear if they don’t have nice
clothes? There’s a dress code? Uniform? Are they not able to come to Church? And,
if they are able to come to Church in their pants, why I can’t wear these shorts?
It’s hot outside, and it’s hot in that Church! …and when the fire you said was shut up in my bones lets
loose, you think that MLKJr (on one side)/Jones Mortuary (on the other
church fan gonna help me? I never got a good answer, and since I didn’t want to
get a good a$$ whoopin’ I dressed according to my grandmother’s desires.
(I did wear pants to Church once in my life. I was visiting my little
sister and cuzzo in Atlanta for Easter. Yall, I never prayed so hard in my life
that my granny would never find out about it! I was nervous the whole service!
I wasn’t exactly sweatin’ like a hooker in church … it was more or less perspiring
like a loose woman at bible study... I couldn’t even praise and worship for
looking left and right… *wipes brow* Also, my granny in heaven talking bad about me with the other church
mothers that have long since left us. Also – again – why do I keep telling on
about the recent(ish)
news about the Church. My mans’an’nem trying to buy a whole airplane on the
Church’s credit card. No, not like a cargo plane to bring food and supplies to
the less fortunate, or to pick up citizens from weather-torn places, or save
refugees from warzones… No, a whole private aircraft to take them to and fro’
to spread the good news. C’mon son. If Jesus Tyrone Christ was here with us, in
this time, do you honestly think He would be on a private plane? I’m not sure
He would even be flying business class. Think about this. In real life, Jesus
would probably be riding Spirit Airlines, or Frontier, if He were to even fly
at all*. Why? Because He
would be with the common man. He would ask us to take Him
to the alley. He would be found with the least of those
among us, turning the rations they offer into loaves of bread, fish, and wine, walking
up and down the aisles while the seatbelt sign is clearly lit. Why you need a
whole plane to yo’self? Some of the most successful businesses today have found
ways to run their businesses from the comfort of their employee’s couches. If I
can work from home making six-figures, why you NEED A WHOLE
AIRCRAFT TO YOURSELF? If coach is good enough to
be a designer brand, it’s good enough for you to ride in. AND – if you fly that
much, your frequent flyer game should be lit (like mine!).
Summa’dem flights should be free!
*Seeing that Jesus was basically an immigrant, He likely wouldn’t
even be able to get identification that would allow Him to get through TSA. You
know we living in the last days when we would put our Lord & Savior on Greyhound.
Why are we like this, yall? For, why?*
…and I’m not saying that all
Church is bad. I’m saying Church is human (and a chicken
joint). When Jesus died on the cross
for us, and eventually left us to figure this all out, He left it in the hands
of humans (who
eat chicken, except some of us
when pregnant). There are some humans who are
great employers, and some who are not. Some humans who should be in the
business of managing people. And then there are other humans whose business
should definitely be saving people’s
everlasting souls. Sometimes the Church is great at both of those things, but
in my experience, the Church has typically only been good at one of those
back this same friend was baptized at her Church. The squad showed up and
showed out. Literally. Before the Pastor could call her family and following to
the alter, the YAMPS did what we do best – made a whole entrance to witness her
dedicating herself and her life to the Lord. As we two stepped to the altar
before we were called, the Pastor very lovingly and sweetly welcomed us,
acknowledging our passion and fervor for her and the Lord, and not our
impatience with the procedures. The service to follow was wonderful. We left
that space filled and full with the love of God and so much love for each
other. I couldn’t imagine it any differently – even with our strong and wrong processional
to the altar.
![]() |
My mother is not a nice woman. |
you leave a place with that much love and wonder, do you really want
to know what happened prior to make all that happen? Because before all of that
wonder, Deacon Adams was behind the Church smoking a cigarette talking about how
the finance ministry always messing up the books. He was outside the Church, so
he was absolutely using his outside voice. It’s like when you found out what
hot dogs were made of. Or what goes into gummy bears to make them deliciously
gummy. Who walks in on their parents having sex and walks out feeling good
about themselves and/or the people that made them? Listen. WELL INTO my 30’s my mother sent me a birthday card that said on the
front: Have you ever wondered why
you’re here?
The answer: Duh, your parents had
SEX! Now while you’re thinking about THAT try to have a Happy Birthday!
A whole grown up at work with a
full staff team and couple hundred indirect reports. A whole grown up who also
serves as a crisis manager and on-call responder. A WHOLE TAX PAYING, SINGLE STATUS FILING
adult, had to take the rest of the day off. I didn’t even go have a drink. I
just rocked myself to sleep in my bed with the Build-A-Bear SDP got me when
were at UCLA. I never saw my parents (in
my adult years)
kissing each other sweetly. It always had a tinge of WTH are yall doing? You have 7
kids?! Shouldn’t you be walking around the house and sleeping in hazmat suits??
I know how I got here. Hello, I
was a physiological sciences major in a past life, and I totes watch Rated-R
movies. But did I want to hold that in my conscious mind? Nah.
Remember when you were a kid and
you wondered how your grandmother’s hair was always perfectly curled all the
time? Then you got a little older and realized it was a wig. You never saw her
put on the wig, but just like you finally had to come to grips with Santa not
being real, you saw her adjust her wig before she got out of the car in the
parking lot at Sizzler, and the all-you-can-eat buffet just wasn’t the same
after that. And as she got a little closer to her homegoing years and she
needed you more for the things she used to do for you (feed,
clothe, walk, etc),
she called you in from the other room to reach her good wig because she was
going to the Senior Center to play cards with her friends. You couldn’t react.
You just had to live with that. Holding your grandmother’s perfectly curled
hair, not attached to her head yet – because she was waiting on you to do it.
For me and my single status
filing house, working for the Church is the same way. I love being in
fellowship with believers and those searching for answers. One of my fondest
memories in my whole black life is being a little girl in a church dress and
ruffled socks writing my name
in my first King
James Version bible, a gift from my father –
little legs just swinging from the folding chair I was seated in. *and one of you said my
legs still do that and I absolutely just called you a name and it was not of
God* Anyway,
it just so happens that Daddie was in the pulpit giving the sermon that day.
Even with that beautiful reverie, did I want to see underneath the Church’s wig?
My friend saw underneath the
perfected curls and she witnessed imperfect people. This isn’t a crime – working
for the Church or being a member of the clergy doesn’t negate your humanity. And
imperfection is the human condition, no matter how hard we try. It’s not easy
to give grace to those whom you’ve entrusted with your spiritual nurturing
though. So many of us leave our Mon-Fri’s, 8am – 5pm’s, and swing shifts and
beeline to the Church to clear our hearts and minds of what we’ve experienced
in the world as believers. When the world (work you just left) is the
same place you’re fervently praying and meditating about during the altar call,
where else can you turn?
I mean, if you go to work (at the
and feel amazing when you leave work (at the Church) then
you’re at one of those places that can do both – good job! If not, then I’m
definitely not saying, I told you so. That’s hella rude.
I’m saying, I wish I didn’t know.
I completely understand! After working for the church for a number of years, the "behind the scenes" robbed me of a certain innocence that I felt I once had. I was allowed to see a "business structure" that while necessary to run an organization, I did not realize was ever so present in the church. As a result of my experience, when I walk into a church (even now), I am sometimes have to stop myself from looking at administrative operations and really force myself to focus on the worship experience. As you stated, there are some things that I wish I didn't know.