know what you all were thinking. She’s gonna run 15 races in 2015. Or, she’s
going to be crazy and run 2015 miles. And at one point in 2014, you would have
been absolutely correct. There was also the 5 “signature running events” thing
in 2015 jogging around my mind at one point too.
know me, so I know that putting a specific number of races to it will be easy.
No matter the number. As long as I sign up, show up, start, and finish, I’ve
reached the goal. I have shown that I can do that, and exceed the expectation.
I’m going to take step back from that and focus on the miles. Not 2015 of them,
because well, um, that would be, a lot of money spent not on heels #runningshoes.
But a pretty substantial amount.
of them. Okay, time for that math you haven’t been using. 1K is equal to 0.6214
miles. For those of you who aren’t math majors, just work with the 0.62, mmkay?
I am going to do 2015 of those almost miles! 1252.121 miles, or in my case 1253
miles to be exact. I know what you’re thinking, I was supposed to round down.
I’m an overachiever, so we all knew that I was going to round up. You are not
surprised by this.
last year, I don’t have a full race calendar ready to go. I know, crazy, right?
It’s not about the number of events, and totally not about the medals. It’s
about giving meaning to every single I lace up those running shoes and get out
there. Each mile I run means something because that’s all that matter. I have
to run 1253 miles in 2015. Which is also the other hashtag #1253in2015. It’s
not as cute as #2015Kin2015, but it still works.
got the mileage, now what’s the other part? #14in2014 was about 2 things, 14
races and 14 medals. I have the 2015K (1253miles), what’s the other part?
where the 15 comes in. My 15 is as follows:
5: Run in 5 new states. #QuestForAll50
4: Run 4 (training
runs or races) with 4 different people. #MakeNewFriends
3: Run 3 events not part of my 2014. #RunNewRaces #GetNewMedals
2: Run back to back events. #WithACatchTho #Like2DifferentStates
1: PR my Half Marathon time…just once. #PRorBacon #PR&Bacon #YeaThatsBetter
gonna do it anyway. I hope you join me. Especially if you’ve never joined me
before. Uh, that’s on the list. And, if you live in a new state, that’ll help
me check off the other two. Live near a state line? Even better.
You've got a job in 2015 too. Aside from running with me, you have to hold me accountable to this!
You've got a job in 2015 too. Aside from running with me, you have to hold me accountable to this!
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