…and in late race posting news,
while I was busy not writing on these interents about the life and times of a
runner in the making, I’ve been in my feelings
yo, and like there was nobody to help me out them joints.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s been some amazing experiences these past couple of
months, but there have been levels and levels to these feelings. Levels. And
Which I’ll get you caught up
on, eventually. I tend to tell on myself, because well, I’m a writer, and I’m
not all that creative, and the stuff I make up isn’t nearly as interesting as
the mess I’m living… #thebeautifulmessIveMadeOfThings
So, as you now, it’s all about
this #14in2014,
right? Right. Well, I am smack dab in the middle of two challenge series.
#IRunTheBay and #IRunTheCoast. I’ve ran #SanJose, and
this race, #Race11Medal10 was the 2nd installment of the challenge #SanRafael. I
think they meant #SanFrancisco, but
it was still in the #415, so
there was that.
Okay, lemme see where this race is so I know what to do when I get off of
Caltrain. Because I’m definitely taking the train to San Francisco tomorrow. *minutes
Oh, there are other cities in the 415 besides San Francisco? Oh, okay. #SanRafael
#NoCaltrainForYouBoo #YouCarpoolingWithTheHomey
Race Day: Oh,
this city is nice? Where this place been all this time? I would come here but the
way my skin color is set up… #WeTheOnlyPeopleWhoLookLikeUs
Start: Sure
you haven’t been running because it’s hotter than an overloaded circuit in the
Matrix… It’s just 3.1 miles. You got this. This course looks HELLA flat.
Mile 1: Yep,
still got them. My lungs are still here. #IcantBreatheJesus
Mile 2: When White People Get Angry – starring the white people
running and the white people in the cars waiting for the runners to pass
because they decided to drive even though the streets have signs on them
blocking them off until Noon. It’s not even 9:00am. #TheyMadTho
#ItsFunnyCauseItsNotMe #TheyWantTheirStarbucks #ItsAboutToGoDown
Mile 3: Oh,
so the course isn’t flat. Isn’t that lovely? Where did all the people go?
Around the not-flat bend, perhaps? Perhaps.
Mile (3) 0.1:
Running is stupid.
Finish: Gimme my
medal -_- I’m hungry. My chest hurts. This medal is pretty tho.
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See. This is fun. |
Not in order…So, the other
part of this 5K was the Miracle Mile. There were timed miles for the various
genders and age groups. Clearly the one event, regardless of medal opportunity
that I would NEVER participate in. Not because I don’t have the ability to run.
It’s because it would be a miracle if I came in eyeshot of those timed miles! They
were hella fast. Like this one dude. He went to the start line and BEASTED that
mile. Like 4:06 minutes, beasting. He crossed the finish line, took his shoes
off and walked away like a boss. Do you realize how much you WOULD NOT be able
to say to me if I could do something that remotely came close to that? You
couldn’t read me a bedtime story. I would be just that great. And, that’s why
God gave me boobies.
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I gave him Medal Monday, he gave me back a reason to run. |
He saw it all. Filmed some of
it. Read the letter.
Celebrated it. Then joined it.
I got to be part of another
first experience. This is not the cherry
popping kind of thing because he did not attend this with
me, and um, he’s well…married and that would be rude of me to say. And wildly
inappropriate. BUT, I mean I’m kinda sorta connected to the experience, so I
bought the cherries… Yea, that.
He proudly wore his medal post
race. He then followed it up with an epic #MedalMonday. And that’s all I ever
really wanted from all of this.
Paying #MedalMondays forward.
This Race: Marin 415K & Miracle
Mile, The 415K, San Rafael CA
Medaled Miles to date: 51.27 miles
Total Raced Miles to date: 64.37 miles
Medals To Go ǁ 71%
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