Monday, February 23, 2015

Accountability Buddies

#2015kIn2015 #1253MilesIn2015…Um, about that….

Okay, so let me just start by saying and am lazy as hell. And I had the never to talk about Ernie not running with me when were in the Virgin Islands at our baby’s wedding! Lawd, why’d you take my baby boy from my Jessus! He’on need me no more! What is I’m gon’do?

Wait…that’s not what we were talking about…

Oh yea, running. I was running then. I ain’t now.

But it wasn’t my fault. See, these #YAMPS got an awesome camouflage onesie which really doesn’t want me to be great. And I don’t mind it. I mean, it’s everything! It’s blessings and overflow. It’s life, more abundantly. It’s the goodness and mercy that’s not just following me all these days of my life, it’s covering my body with a hood and pockets. #2WeeksOfJanuaryRunningGone

Then there is training. Now yall know the struggle be real during training. Late nights, early mornings, and it gets hella dark outside really fast.

But this year, we did something a little different during training. See, I’ve been talking about running and medals so much, that all the people around me talk about them too. Especially at work. So we planned 5K Friday as part of the training activities. The entire staff team ran/walked the 3.1 miles…their pace, their race. I got to volun-cheer them on, passing out water, yelling their names from across the street, and hanging medals around their necks.

One of the graduate students asked me why I wasn’t running. There was an actual answer (click here) which I shared. But it felt like she wasn’t asking why I was not out there with them that day. It was more like, why aren’t you running your #1253MilesIn2015? To which I had no intelligible answer.

Just like that, I found my way back. My #YAMPS and I did an Adventure 5K trolling the lightrail and streets of San Jose. It felt so good to be out on the streets, running shoes laced up, starting and finishing.

There are so many secret desires in my heart. Things I want, things I am striving for, things I am going after, that I have yet to tell a soul. It feels like they aren’t supposed to know how bad I want these things #LikeLove. #1253Milesin2015 #2015kIn2015 is kind of the same way. But I told all of you about it. Like literally, all of you, everywhere.

Thanks for reminding me. It’s like the world is my Accountability Buddy! You’re all here to keep me on track. To keep my honest. To keep me focused. That like super exci…oh, wait. You ALL are here… ALL keeping me on track. All of you…

Maybe I shouldn’t talk so much?

I should maybe go run now, hunh?

Okay, okay. I’m going… Dang.

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