It’s Ya Birthday…
do all the things you want to do, right? Because that’s how birthdays work,
right? You choose.
you’d be totally right if you were talking about anyone else. But we’re talking
about me. And because you know me, you know that I did not wake up on my
birthday ready to embark on all of the things I wanted to do because it was my
the first voices I heard were my beautiful goddaughters in Southern California.
That best friend of
mine knows how to make my day for sure. I wasn’t ready to
go out into the world the moment before the phone rang. The moment after we
said our goodbyes, I was ready to do the impossible!
I did. I got out of the bed and got into the shower. Because it felt impossible
to do, until I got showered with all that love and remembrance.
know what I did next? Yes. I went to work. See, the work that I do, it’s kind
of a thing. And it tends to get busy every year, like clockwork, on the day I’m
supposed to do all of the things I want to do. So much so, I honestly, at
times, forget that my birthday is here.

sent me home.
back to 2015. I’m doing the actual adult thing these days, so nobody sends you
home when there is work to be done. Especially when the residents (read: your children
that you didn’t birth) are
back. Naw pimp, we’ll see you bright and early. #IncidentReportsBreh
hunger pain caught me. I grabbed two of my colleagues and we went to House of
Bagels. Because, bacon. As we ate and chatted about the world, we heard a loud
thud. Not a gunshot thud, but when you’ve grown up where I’ve grown up, you
assume the worst.
was exactly what was happening. A man, a stranger, a person had fallen down. He
hit his head on the bumper of a car. He began to violently seize…stopping mid
walk, body frozen, falling down, hitting his head on the bumper of a car…and
violently shaking – foaming at the mouth furiously.
you do the work that we do, you don’t panic. You don’t have time to panic. You
call for Emergency Medical Services. You observe what’s going on so you can
report it. You ensure the safety of the individual in need and those attempting
to help. You remain as calm as you can. You breathe. The same way you where
inhaling and exhaling that bacon. Because someone needs you more than you
needed that last bite of your food. And in that moment, nothing else mattered.
Literally, in that moment, nothing else matters.
help has arrived and you have ensured everything will be taken care of, you hit
the play button. It’s time for life to resume again. Well, scratch that. Perhaps
you didn’t hit the play button at all. Maybe you’re doing exactly what you are
supposed to be doing. You just got to the end of one song and the next track
begins to play. Different genres of music, sure. Same playlist tho.
Later in the afternoon as one of my colleagues
and I talked of this being my special day, he shared with friends (who brought me the
special-est gift!) that we saved a man’s life. I looked at him
like, we did wheeettt?? o_0 I hadn’t thought about that
moment the entire day, until he brought it up. It had not crossed my mind. Not
once. Hell, I spent half (read: ALL DAMN DAY) the afternoon trying to figure out how I could leave
work early! #DidntWorkTho
#ItWas4pmWhenWeHadThisConvo #StillinTheOffice When he used the words saved a man’s life my first thought was, I
hadn’t done that at all. We got a man help. I made sure that my colleagues were
being safe during the whole incident, minding where they were standing, making
sure we weren’t in danger, calming the small crowd around us, giving the man
space. I was doing what I was supposed to do, right?
birthday evening I had dinner with the vessel that created my life. I got to
see her smile. I got the honor and privilege of treating the woman who laid in
pain for hours (not
as many hours as the rest of yall, cause I was considerate) to
her favorite meal. I hugged her. I nestled my head into her stomach, asking if
I could return there…cause bills
Mommie. They make you pay for things out here!!! I wanna go back! #TheDarkConOfAdulthood #SendMeBackJesus #NineMonthVacation
spent the entire day not thinking about what I wanted to do on my day. I didn’t
do a single thing that I wanted to do on my birthday, as a matter of fact #CanIJustTakeANapJesus #ThatsAlliWantGod???. Absolutely no action (well
maybe that morning shower and teeth brushing) was for me, or in
honor of my special day. But, I did all the things I was supposed to do. And
goodness Father God, there was so much happy in that. I am so blessed. I really
...and sweet potato cookies. Because somewhere in HIS word He promised grace, and mercies, and blessings that there would not be room enough to receive. And when I opened that box Father God, I saw the glory! Somebody better get up and shout unto God! Surely goodness and mercies will be mailed to me! All the days of my life Lord! You can't tell me MY GOD ain't good! I dare you to try Him on today!
#TheDoorsToTheChuchAreOpen #ButTheFlapsToThisBoxAre Closed #TasteAndSee #HeIsReal #RealinMySoul #AndMyStomach #ThemCookiesAlmostGone #EatenToTheLastCrumb #CauseMyGodIsAGodOfCompletion #ItIs(almost)Finished #WontHeDoIt? #OhYesHeWill
...and sweet potato cookies. Because somewhere in HIS word He promised grace, and mercies, and blessings that there would not be room enough to receive. And when I opened that box Father God, I saw the glory! Somebody better get up and shout unto God! Surely goodness and mercies will be mailed to me! All the days of my life Lord! You can't tell me MY GOD ain't good! I dare you to try Him on today!
#TheDoorsToTheChuchAreOpen #ButTheFlapsToThisBoxAre Closed #TasteAndSee #HeIsReal #RealinMySoul #AndMyStomach #ThemCookiesAlmostGone #EatenToTheLastCrumb #CauseMyGodIsAGodOfCompletion #ItIs(almost)Finished #WontHeDoIt? #OhYesHeWill

…and my heart
of so full of gratitude to all of you that took time out to remember me in
whatever way you did. I genuinely appreciate your gestures of celebration and
acknowledgement. Being remembered, acknowledged, being recognized – in whatever
way you do that for a person is a lifesaving act. Thank you sincerely for
saving my life on the day I was given life. I hope you had a wonderful day. I
owe you thank you’s and so much more!
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