The crew has changed though. I
gifted a 5K entry to my little-ish sister for her birthday. I’m such a good
sister. Giving people things I totally love and would definitely want for,
well, any reason, actually. Huh?? Maybe that’s why I’m single. Anyway, she’s
been working on her running and doing a good job of it, so what better way to
induct her into nateezy’s running fb posts of fame than this, right?! Right.
While planning for this event
with Alicia Keykey #ThatsRunningBae
who always complains but signs up anyway #NOLA, a fellow Bruin connected with
me. She wanted to know if I was running in Las Vegas. LOL, it’s funny because
it’s true. She happened upon a groupon for the 5K and felt like she wanted to
be down with my running crew. So, of course that happened!
I just love it when a plan
that I didn’t plan at all comes together.
We made our way to the Expo
early Saturday morning because flight delays are totally a thing #SouthwestAintLoyal. While
at the Expo I showed my sister all the fun running stuff. You know, free
samples, running trinkets, and awesome things we’d get to do because we’re
runners #WristbandsActivate. We
passed a super awesome blown up picture of Meb…
I wonder if my friend is here. I’d love to see him!
My friend from UCLA. That’s his brother right there.
wow, who’s that?
my runner’s ‘wheetttt?’ face because she actually doesn’t know* That’s Meb. Suffice it to say he’s a running rockstar. Like
kind of a big deal.
shrugs and keeps looking around*
*I internally
gasp, clutching all the pearls*
I’m such a running snob. And
I’m not even that great a runner to be snobby about it. Gimme a second to get
my life. Thanks. Needed that.
We caught up with my friend.
Exchanged hellos and brief life updates. I keep on with my encouraging him to
get back out here with us runners. He continued to think it over. We took our
picture with Meb and hightailed it out of there.
We have a run to prepare for.
START: Okay – this is your
race. We don’t need to stay together or anything. It’s your first Las Vegas 5k
– go out there and do what you came here to do! Let’s get it! #RunLeaderPepTalk
#ImSooooEncouraging #OrBossy #YouChoose
Mile 1: Yo, it’s chilly out
here homey.
Mile 2: Yea, I don’t want to
do this anymore. Meanwhile, my thighs feel great. All warmed up and whatnot. I
mean, I’d rather warm them up with a martini, but well, warm.
Mile 3: This is a much better
race route than last year. Sure I’m running back and forth in a parking lot.
Point is, the path is lit and I feel safe. Well done. I also would like food
Mile 3(0.1): Yea….it’s going to be freezing tomorrow.
FINISH: I bet they killed it!
I can’t wait to see their faces.
I made my way to gear check to
pick up my bag and check on my sister. She wasn’t doing too great, even though
she did a GREAT job in the 5K. As she updated me about how she was doing, and
how the race went, I noticed that I didn’t see her medal. So, while she’s
trying to get me up to speed about her health, I ask, Um, where is your medal? because
that is clearly more important than life apparently. I didn’t get
one, I didn’t win.
What? Gurl, bye.
I love my sister, Lord knows I
do, but I just couldn’t Jesus. We had a long discussion about how this whole
running thing works, how I’ve never “won” a race in the coming in first sense,
but how we win every time we show up and do it.
She didn’t seem impressed by
that. But we got her medal anyway because, well, we paid for it.
We eventually caught back up
with the Bruin Homey, and I gave the both of them a little bling of their
own…of the candy variety. Firsts are awesome. Don’t you remember all those
wonderful firsts you had? And perhaps some that weren’t so wonderful, but you
remember them anyway. It’s important to make them memorable. Make them memories
you’re always going to come back to. Memories that will inspire some other
Another successful adventure
in medal’ing. Another Vegas almost completed. And took a whole 35 seconds off
my 2014 5K time. It’s the little things.
Half. On. Deck. Son. #IsYouReadyOrNah #Nah #DefinitlyNah
#15ThingsIn2015 Challenge
5 new states (Louisiana, Texas – 2 down, 3 to go) #iShouldWorkOnThisOne #2MonthsLeft
4 new friends (OldieButNewbie #RunningHubby; My Child;
WickedWineRunCrew (6 people!); Ragnar Napa Valley (10 people!); Cuzzo; NotQuiteTwinSister
& BruinBuddy – 22 down)
3 new running events (Shamrock Half; St Charles Road
Race; Orange County Half; Wicked Wine Run; Ragnar Napa Valley; Let’s Go 510…5k;
Monster Dash 5k – 7 down)
2 back-to-back running events (Rock N Roll San Jose 5K
& Half; Ragnar Napa Valley & Let’s Go 510…5k – 2 down, Rock N Roll Las
Vegas 5K, 0 to go)
1 Half Marathon PR (Rock N Roll San Diego Half! 6
minutes!, Rock N Roll Las Vegas 5K – seconds to spare! – 2 down!)