You would think that people
would have me figured out by now. Obvs, no. Because, even if I’m coming to your
city to visit at the last minute, I’m definitely going to see if there is a
running event. And hello…there is always a running event around major holidays.
So… #LaceUpThoseRunningShoes
#TheRunLeaderIsInTown #Plus,INeedMoreStates #15in2015
#CauseIGaveUpOnTheMilesPart #WhyYallDidntTalkMeOutOfThat?
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...because I need another challenge! #Yassss |
Well, one of the other things
that I do…I sign people up for running events unbeknownst to them. Because,
medals. It’s a thing. So, I’ll be doing RnR NOLA in 2016. The half marathon, of
course. Because I think it’s super awesome to go to awesome cities and sign up
for athletic events when I could be French-Quarter-Side with beads and sweet
potato cookies.
Goals. Ugh.
What was I saying? Oh, yea,
running events. So I signed up my cousin and one of my friends for the 10K
because I think it’s a great idea for the both of them to do a 10K while I’m
doing the half. It’s amazing how much personal information your family and
friends will give you without knowing the complete reason why. I’m so
Anyway. A last minute trip to
Texas turned into #StateNumbah2 and #5Knumbah1 for
my cousin! I had no idea it was a first one! Had I realized that, instead of
being all caught up in this wonderful thing that I was doing for the both of
us, I would have made a bigger stink about it. But, there’s always #NOLA.
We picked up our packets…which
came with awesome jackets. Okay, when it comes to race swag, a jacket is always
winning! Sure I basically paid for the jacket…but there was a medal too, so #MoreWinning.
Of all the things I did check,
the one thing I did not check was the weather. Why would I check the weather? I
live on the sunny side of the world where weather isn’t a thing so…what in the
world are these rain clouds doing here? We’re supposed to be running.
START: Yea. I should probably
check the weather and prepare more. I wonder if there is one of those weather
app thingies?! I should look for one. Or nah.
Mile 1: Lord, if you love me…well,
like me a little bit, please Jesus don’t let me slip and fall.
Mile 2: OMG, I think I’m
almost done. That was like the longest 5k ever. Wait. Why is everyone not
looping around to the finish. #FollowTheSignHolder
Mile 3: Yea, I should probably
not think that I’m fast. It really messes up my ability to finish a race well.
Why did I think I was finished that fast anyway??
Mile 3(0.1): I wonder if that cute guy in the #Reno911 costume is still
around. *looks
left, looks right*
FINISH: I’ve got to get a picture
of her finishing! That would be soooooo cute! OMG! Get ready!
…and I waited for My Cuzzo to
be great! And she got it! She achieved her goal, she felt good after, and darn
it, she’s so photogenic!
#ItsAGurleyThing #ButApparentlyItsARecessiveTraitInMe
She debriefed her performance.
Feeling really good. Feeling less anxious about #RnRNOLA.
Feeling like a 10k was manageable. Feeling encouraged about living life as a
runner. Feeling like, she did that…being her First 5K and all…
Wait…wheeetttt? It’s your what?
Your first 5k? HOW DID I NOT KNOW??? I usually ask more questions. I usually
And just when I thought I had
a great day figuring out how not to fall down, roll my ankle, and/or hurt myself in
some unpredictable and inconceivable way, I messed up. I mean, everyone else got the pomp and meanwhile these circumstances got me all unprepared. #BadRunLeaderMoment
But my cousin loves me. And we
had a great weekend. And I got another state. And she is really proud of
herself. Like she crushed her goal. And smiled all the way through the finish. I got the pictures to prove it.
And there is no way, as hard
as I could have tried or surprised, that I could have made that happen for her. She did that
all on her own!
In True #GirlieGurl l fashion!
#15ThingsIn2015 Challenge
5 new states (Louisiana,
Texas – 2 down, 3 to go) #iShouldWorkOnThisOne #2MonthsLeft
4 new friends (OldieButNewbie
#RunningHubby; My Child; WickedWineRunCrew (6 people!); Ragnar Napa Valley (10
people!); Cuzzo – 19 down)
3 new running events (Shamrock
Half; St Charles Road Race; Orange County Half; Wicked Wine Run; Ragnar Napa
Valley; Let’s Go 510…5k; Monster Dash 5k – 7 down)
2 back-to-back running events (Rock
N Roll San Jose 5K & Half; Ragnar Napa Valley & Let’s Go 510…5k – 2
down, 0 to go)
1 Half Marathon PR (Rock N Roll San Diego! 6 minutes! – 1 down, 0 to go)
1 Half Marathon PR (Rock N Roll San Diego! 6 minutes! – 1 down, 0 to go)
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