Other things my fear kept from you (read: me):
thoughtful [thought·ful / THôtfəl] adjective: absorbed in our involving thought; or…showing consideration for the needs of other people; or…showing careful consideration or attention; but really …painting chess pieces, sending time capsule’d care packages across time zones, peanut butter cookies with fork prints, scrapbooks, and ‘what not to wear’ inspired wardrobe make overs.
…him… …him…once told me what he wanted
for Christmas. My somebody to love. We hadn’t yet spoken those words to each
other, but we were in that space and time and doing the lovely things to one
another that meant that word. What he wanted was above and beyond what he could
do for himself at the time. But he wanted it anyway. I have to admit, that was
a lovely thing about …him… To be in that hopeful
expectant place, and be inspired. The intonations in his voice. How he spoke to
assuredly. Like he could see into the future. I suppose he has a prophesize’n
way about him.
For months, on purpose,
with fine attention to detail, and sales, I granted that Christmas wish. Not
for ego, or vanity, or some type of reward, or even because we had lovely ways
about each other. I did it because I knew that it might make him happier that
he had been that entire year. Sure there were awesome things that happened to
him. But I knew him well enough, in what little loveliness we had, to know that
if he counted is good times, and bad times, he’d be lucky if he had more of the
former that year.
I was absolutely right.
Completely correct. I shall never forget a single minute of that fleeting
moment. Every now and again, when I get lost in my after-it-all thoughts, I end
up there. Full of a feeling I haven’t known in years. That memory is almost a
decade old. And so is that energy. That enthusiasm. That engagement in a task.
Not even sure I could muster up the eagerness to do such a thing ever again.
Promises. I actually promised
myself I would never do that specific a thing again. Make something happen for
someone I thought lovely things about, like the way I did…him…
Problem being, most people
won’t be committed enough to you to carefully construct something that will
mean the world to you. Sooner than you think, lovely will end.
And all the moments you
captured for memories won’t feel the same.
man… much later in my life after
lovely went away #HesGoneToo, once told me that I was
thoughtful. Because I remember things. I was so intrigued by that remark, you
know. Don’t we all remember? Well, me? Not really. I actually forget more
things than I remember – at least I think I do. I’m so good at forgetting, I
can tell my staff team what things they need to remind me of, and what things
they don’t, because I know, consciously what ish I’ll forget just as soon as
they tell me.
At least I thought I was
good at forgetting stuff (not on purpose, my job
is stressful sometimes, yo). That
man didn’t feel the same way about it. About my remembrance. It, my ability to
remember him, was confounding. Because…a man…didn’t remember people they way that I did.
Before the discussing ended
man… asked me about all of
this. In a space and time where I had nothing to lose. I could have worked
through some of my emotional mess. But my thoughts were so full of fear. What
would I allow myself to say? And what would those words mean? How could I have
manufactured a way unwittingly to this particular moment in life #musiq ? What was I not over-nonsensically thinking?
My thoughts filled that
train ride home. #LocalTrainToSJ
I had that moment again, I might have told …a
man… that perhaps somewhere on
the inside, I decided to love other people in ways I’m probably never going to
be loved. I mean, I hope and pray to the Lord that I am loved in these ways one
day – but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen…at least not in the ways I
hoped it would…or using the timeline I *so humbly* suggested. #GuessIHaventSweptThatDressAllTheWayUp #AshesLeftOver

How can anyone live life
for any amount of time not worth the thought of being remembered? Or being
remembered in a lovely way? Did you know that the act of remembrance is
lifesaving? It’s an act of love.
And you cannot love what you cannot remember.
fear, like
all addictions
never really
goes away
try all you
…and you’ll
surely have another fearful day.
if i’ve not
learned anything well at all
not living
my life as fully as i could
i figured
out that with
and a (lot
bit) of prayer
one can keep
your fear at bay.
have faith,
you will be
afraid my love,
…and have so many more
brave days.
#DoingItAfraid #JustLikeTamesaSaid #SheSoSmartAndKindAndImportant
#INeed2CatchUpWithHer #ItsBeenTooLong #ButClearlyIRememberHer #ThatsLove
This is the end.
Like For Real, For Real. #IsYouMadOrNah?
Like For Real, For Real. #IsYouMadOrNah?
You are one to always be remembered!!