acquiesce [ac·qui·esce / akwēˈes] noun: when you just ain’t got it in you and you wanna be a quitter and set fire to the flame like Adele but you’re a bougie black girl who knows Jesse Williams is EVERYTHING so you have to use words he might tweet to make your soul feel better than it does…and we’re sorta in a drought anyway so playing with fire is frowned upon. #nobodyisfooled #yougotretweetedtho

I just didn’t want to. Why?
What was the purpose of going out in the world that day? Why can’t you stay in
bed and just let life happen for a little while? So I did…and didn’t. I had no
desire to put on all that armor so I could navigate my mildly microaggressed
life in ways that left me just barely able enough to mend my emotional mess.
The armor is far too heavy Lord, and I got like hella sick time, so…*cough*cough* my dude *cough*cough*. Swerve on that work day,
sick hours. Swerve on’em.
Remember Morris Chestnut
from The Brothers? I get it now. You think you’re doing exactly
what you should be doing to get the life you want to have, only to find out
doing exactly what you should isn’t what you should be doing at all. Did I
confuse you? I know, I told you, it’s crazy up in my axons and dendrites. But
remember him? He got to a point where he just decided not. It’s too hard. Too
challenging. Like, I’m really bad at this. I must have this sick relationship
with failure, because I keep coming back for more. Why would any rational human
being, with a superbowl winning streak like the Buffalo Bills in the 90s even
think it possible?
Well, I am no rational
human being. And I believe in the worst (read: hopelessly hopeful) parts of me that I am going
to have this love I’ve fantasized about…or something better than it. This it is not like any of its
But if I have learned
anything, I know with great certainty, knowledge, and scientific
experimentation that a man has to want that it in his own way. Not exactly how you want it, but want in a way that has you chatting often,
hugging often, laughing together, wondering about the other, knowing the
answers to unasked questions, being able to anticipate next words, and loving
that there is someone that knows things about you that you have not gotten the
chance to share.
In a moment of carelessness
on gchat, we…well, chatted. I figured I was going to be late for work, might as
well make it interesting, right? Everything is still so unclear. There is so
much I don’t know. I mean, I know the bottom line. But I don’t know the why.
Why me? What was it about me to even get to this point?
I think about our conversations, how I feel when I’m around you. The goofiness, the hugs, the chill time, the adventures, the randomness, the running, the weirdness…there is a lot…including me driving everywhere, and you not knowing anything about cars.
I was supposed to tell him
what I think about. How I feel…*sigh*
nah, I won’t. I acquiesce.
That would be too much to do. Just ask another question. You’re on a roll.
Calm and chaotic at
the same time. It’s not a bad feeling. You are random but soothing.
Not everyone gets that I
exist in these extremes – these opposites. That for every thing I’ve ever felt,
I have felt equally its converse with the same intensity and passion. For those
who do get it, on their own or with my assistance, they always feel some kind of
way about it. And it’s usually a type of way they never say they wish would
change – but probably prayed a few times that it would. Unlike him, they might
have described it as a bad feeling. Like, not-good-ish feeling. Soothing tho?
Soothing? That’s the word you choose?
I do. Yes, those are the
words I choose (yooouuuuu
baby!!). I acquiesced though. So I
can’t. He didn’t ask a question anyway. You did.
…and you also have more
sick time.
Swerve on the rest of my
work week, sick hours.
Swerve on'em.
This is the end-ish.
JESSE WILLIAMS IS EV-AH-REE-THING INDEED!!!! And there is comfort in not waiting... And hella fun in not waiting! But do we ever really stop waiting?! Or do we finally ACQUIESE (big ups to and their computerized voice who taught me how to pronounce this word) to the fact that life must be lived while we wait? So we live and be completely us in all its glory... while continuing to wait. See you're making me think again!!!!