Monday, November 30, 2015

Black Girl (Thanksgiving) Magic

Yo, I’m hella greedy. (I should stop being greedy.) I mean, I’m not even going to try to hide it.

But to be fair about my level of greediness, it’s not the gluttoness, day-to-day, eat’em’ups kind of greedy. I’m not judging that, because well, after I tell on myself, I really won’t have an argument worth defending. We’re just…just…opposite side of the same coin.

Anyway, back to what I was saying. I didn’t come to the realization that I was greedy by happenstance. It was actually when I was having a much better, kind of amazing, life epiphany.

It was when I realized one of the earliest times in my life when I saw Black Girl Magic.

So, take it back a minute. Sit back in your chair at work – you’re reading this at work, don’t front – and think a minute. *conjure up the spirit of Sanaa all of her brown sugariness* When was the first time you witnessed some Black Girl Magic?

Enter: My Greed.

Okay, so every Thanksgiving is so special. It takes me back to that time in my life when my mother was playing the starring role in I Don't Know How She Does It… I mean, 7 girls, a full time job, a husband with particular food needs, bowling league, usher board, and Lord bless it, pressing seven heads a week?! Can I get a witness up in here?

…she just did it. All of it. And for a time, she did all of the cooking, every holiday. All by herself. I seriously, not using the pun because it works, have NO IDEA how she did it, and I was growing up right in that house with her doing it.

Every Thanksgiving we would have a feast. And two to three days later we would be totally over the feasting. I had no idea that I would come to love Thanksgiving leftovers they way I didn’t love them back then. It was around this time, the magic began.

Mama would go into the kitchen and pull out the remains of the turkey. Our hearts would sink because this would be day three or four of eating the same darn thing, right? Well, not exactly. She’d pull out a really big bowl, and begin to picking. I watched her because when I was a kid I had this weird thing with dead things. Like, looking at the skeletons. Inspecting the deadness. That stayed with me all through UCLA #cadavers. Anyway, she would pick and we would sulk.

Something strange would happen next. Mama would start chopping. It was this bizarre wizardry, because it wasn’t cooking. Like she used no pots or pans. Just a knife and a spoon. OMG, did my mother go to Hogwarts? I bet she was a Gryffindor with her ole usher board righteous first lady self. Maybe she’s a witch? I bet she took one of Snape’s classes. I mean, she been in her late 30s forever. She must drink the blood of unicorns. Like Voldemont? OMG, my mother is a dark wizard!!!!! O_O My father is going to be heartbroken when he learns of this. Maybe we can have an exorcism or something?

Wait, like what in the entire hell was I talking about? Do I really get off topic this easily??

Oh, yea… Chopping away. All those leftover remains of turkey. Then some of that celery/onion/bell pepper crap she started all of the holiday cooking off with. Some hard boiled eggs. Then a bunch of other stuff my fragile mind was too young to understand because, look at all the glitter coming out of that spoon shaped wand #SheIsAWitchAtBest?!?!? I have no idea what’s happening but I am in a trance. Hypnotized by the symphony of stirring and chopping and tasting and sprinkling and OMG what is she doing now?!?!

Then, right at the moment when my little underdeveloped heart could take no more, Daddie would walk by, grab a ritz cracker and dip it in. Then walk off. Yo, he’s like a food sniper. You never see it coming, but you always see him going. He has a food radar that knows when a dish is just about done because his timing was more flawless than Beyoncé.

She would wipe the side of the bowl, and leave it on the counter. Grab the white bread, and make sandwiches. Spreading that magical concoction on the bread, sans edges, cut it in half, and hand it off to kiddies to and fro.

That’s when I tasted it. Magic. Black Girl Heavenly Magic. Thank You Jesus! Yes Lord! My Soul Says Yes! My soul is anchored in…this bowl!

Had to be magic. It never lasted long enough to be anything else. It was magic that only happened around the holidays. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Easter. Never more than three times a year. Never.

Eventually, my scheming got good enough to figure out that, if we don’t eat the turkey, like wait her out those three to four days, she would have more material to make magic. And so it happened. Every holiday we would eat less and less turkey, so Mama could make more magic. We banked on her failing memory (no magic, bruh…unless you count coffee) remembering to purchase the same size turkey every year because she like had a big family, so she needs the biggest effin turkey they have, right? Magic.

So what she caught on to us. The point was, negros was knee deep in magic for decades. I had to come clean with her one year. It was too obvious. One of my sisters got a little turkey happy, and I almost came across the table with the might of Moses and the Red Sea behind me. Like, what are you doing? Are you crazy? YOU EATING (MY) MAGIC! So, I told her what I was doing. How, I live for the magic that she creates after we’re done with the turkey.

The next year, I bought a separate turkey for her to make magical and still policed the Thanksgiving turkey because I’m hella greedy son. I told you that in the beginning.

I never realized the creativity it took for my mother to create dinner day after day, year after year, and almost always get it right. Anyone that’s gone out to dinner with me knows that I can be a smidge particular with my food order. I mean, the waiter gets a tip. My Mama got nothing from me yet she actually made double turkeys multiple years! Damn…like why yall never tell me how greedy I was #BeenEatinLongEnough? And you call yourself my friend?

From sweet potato pies, to strawberry shortcakes without the strawberries, and fried cabbage – yes Lord!, to turkey salad – I lived with incredible magic from the first black girl I knew. But the thing about magic is, if you stay around it long enough, you pick up some of your own. It’s not the same magic. It’s a magic you learn to harness, without even knowing you’re perfecting it. You just end up in the store one day, down the turkey aisle.

Yup. You are absolutely correct that I made a turkey this year. And ate like 3 pieces of it. #choices

Yes. There is a big bowl of turkey salad in my refrigerator right now.

Get your own Black Girl Magic Mama.

I ain’t sharing her either. #StillGreedy #IveLEarnedNothing #NotSureICareEither

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

If Found In A Bar… #LeaveMe #ItsTooColdWindyRainy2Run

Bruh. Las Vegas was a really awful place in a past life. Had to be for the weather to be that damn disrespectful yo. I mean, c’mon! I pay my taxes. I talk to Jesus on occasion about getting my life right. I give Sallie’s henchmen a pint of blood on a regular basis. Like really, did we deserve that????

I know what you’re thinking. It’s like Winter or something. Don’t you expect it to be cold in Winter?

Naw homey, I grew up in California where Winter is for suckas. So, we don’t do the whole “winter” thing in the cold sense of the word. We do it in the fashion sense of the word. You know, northface jackets and timberlands in well air conditioned malls. Because, brrrr.

Okay, seriously, I expected the cold. That’s why I had on my super cute layers and warm-like running gear. As me and #RunningBae took our vegas running selfies and bib photos, we realized that it was going to be another chilly one under the Vegas lights. But we weren’t expecting this.

START: Was that a rain drop? *runner passes with a water bottle in hand* Oh, that must have been condensation from his bottle #ImNotSweatin #MorrisDay.

Mile 1: Nah homey, that’s rain. Like rain…rain. You know, from clouds and ish in the sky, You know, like precipitation. After the condensation step. Remember that?

Mile 2: I’m definitely stopping at the “Welcome To Las Vegas Sign”… *gets in like to take the picture* then *gets my super cute, I’ve only done like 1 mile pose on*
Oh Wow! That was a really great picture!
Gurl, I know, right? #sassafras

Mile 3: This. Is. So. Stupid! Why do I come to Las Vegas every year and run? OMG I wanna hurt myself more than I’m already hurting… *big gust of wind pushes me into another runner*

Mile 4: I see where Yolanda got the inspiration for that song. I’m out here running through the storm, Lord. ♫…the storms of life will blow, they’re sure to come and go…they meet me at a time…when I’m cold calm and doing running fine…

Mile 5: I think these winds forgot about the and go part of the song.

Mile 6: Nope. I quit. I’m going to Walgreens. I’m getting me a ginger ale, a bottle of wine. Some gloves. And some tights. This is stupid and I’m beyond over it. *goes to the bathroom in Walgreens and chats with other runners waiting*

Mile 7: One of these days I’m going to learn to be a quitter. Ahhh! Celia!!! Come Through!!! ♫…ay, no hay que llorar, que la vida es un carnaval, es más bello vivir cantando…♪ Ugh, fine. I’ll get to it then. Why come every time I wanna complain and be a baby the ancestors (I got Latin Ancestors too) be coming for me like this? #WipingTears #SingingAndRunning #YesImBilateral #iMeanLingual #EvelinPickedThisSong #ThanksGurl

Mile 8: I’ve never wanted anything to end more than I wanted this to end.

Mile 9: *gust of wind literally dislodges my headphone from my left ear* #ThereAreNoWords and *clap*clap* #NoMusic

Mile 10: *Mali Music – Walking Shoes comes on* You damn right I’m walking! Eff this. That medal will be there when I get there. Well, except that one time the medal wasn’t there when you got there. DAMMIMT! *running again*

Mile 11: And lookie here. All these over achievers a couple of blocks over taking all my greatness. Running a whole 26.2 miles in the time it takes me to ingest the fluid building up in my lungs – I mean run 13.1 miles. Jerks. #ReallyImpressivePeopleImHatingOnBecauseImNotGreatYet

Mile 12: I’m definitely going to get some more Garrett’s Popcorn. #EarnedIt

Mile 13: This is literally the hardest mile I’ve ever run in my entire life.

Mile 13(0.1): OMG! There is a tenth of a mile more. Just come collect my weary soul and take me home to glory Lord. I’m ready. #TakeMeUpYonder

FINISH: Dude. I’m going to drink a gallon of chocolate milk. And they better have some firm bananas back there. Or there will be hell. I mean, not from me because I have no feeling left in any of my extremities. But suffice it to say, I will type a strongly worded letter within the next week!

Another Vegas experience in the books. I mean, I could go on and on about the weather (and will, because that’s my thing) but it was a great weekend. The weather made this 13.1 miles ridiculously hard, but I suppose that’s the lesson. How bad do you want it? Are you only willing to go out and get it when it’s easy? When the conditions are favorable? When everything is in the right place for you to be successful?

Oh, that’s the only time you want it?

You have got to take the sweet with the salt. And I was hella salty after this one. It’s honestly reminiscent of that very first half marathon. Aside from the wind. There were more points in that first one, and this one in which I was ready to tap out. Like RET-TA-GO!

But something inside of me refuses to quit.

I suppose firsts aren’t the only memorable ones. The tough ones are pretty unforgettable too.

…and I just made another memory.

#15ThingsIn2015 Challenge
5 new states (Louisiana, Texas – 2 down, 3 to go) #iShouldWorkOnThisOne #2MonthsLeft
4 new friends (OldieButNewbie #RunningHubby; My Child; WickedWineRunCrew (6 people!); Ragnar Napa Valley (10 people!); Cuzzo; NotQuiteTwinSister & BruinBuddy – 22 down)
3 new running events (Shamrock Half; St Charles Road Race; Orange County Half; Wicked Wine Run; Ragnar Napa Valley; Let’s Go 510…5k; Monster Dash 5k – 7 down)
2 back-to-back running events (Rock N Roll San Jose 5K & Half; Ragnar Napa Valley & Let’s Go 510…5K, Rock N Roll Las Vegas 5K & Half, 3 down)
1 Half Marathon PR (Rock N Roll San Diego Half! 6 minutes!, Rock N Roll Las Vegas 5K – 35 seconds to spare! – 2 down!)

Monday, November 23, 2015

First Time's The Charm

Especially when it’s a 5K. And definitely when it’s in Las Vegas! You know this is one of my most favorite running destinations as evidenced here! and here!. Even #MedalessMonday was an adventure! It’s 2015 and time to do it all over again. And clearly, since I was here for the inaugural Las Vegas 5k, I gotta come back! #LegacyStatus

The crew has changed though. I gifted a 5K entry to my little-ish sister for her birthday. I’m such a good sister. Giving people things I totally love and would definitely want for, well, any reason, actually. Huh?? Maybe that’s why I’m single. Anyway, she’s been working on her running and doing a good job of it, so what better way to induct her into nateezy’s running fb posts of fame than this, right?! Right.

While planning for this event with Alicia Keykey #ThatsRunningBae #NewAliasAlert who always complains but signs up anyway #NOLA, a fellow Bruin connected with me. She wanted to know if I was running in Las Vegas. LOL, it’s funny because it’s true. She happened upon a groupon for the 5K and felt like she wanted to be down with my running crew. So, of course that happened!

I just love it when a plan that I didn’t plan at all comes together.

We made our way to the Expo early Saturday morning because flight delays are totally a thing #SouthwestAintLoyal. While at the Expo I showed my sister all the fun running stuff. You know, free samples, running trinkets, and awesome things we’d get to do because we’re runners #WristbandsActivate. We passed a super awesome blown up picture of Meb…

I wonder if my friend is here. I’d love to see him!
What friend?
My friend from UCLA. That’s his brother right there.
Oh wow, who’s that?
*suppressing my runner’s ‘wheetttt?’ face because she actually doesn’t know* That’s Meb. Suffice it to say he’s a running rockstar. Like kind of a big deal.
*she shrugs and keeps looking around*
*I internally gasp, clutching all the pearls*

I’m such a running snob. And I’m not even that great a runner to be snobby about it. Gimme a second to get my life. Thanks. Needed that.

We caught up with my friend. Exchanged hellos and brief life updates. I keep on with my encouraging him to get back out here with us runners. He continued to think it over. We took our picture with Meb and hightailed it out of there.

We have a run to prepare for.

START: Okay – this is your race. We don’t need to stay together or anything. It’s your first Las Vegas 5k – go out there and do what you came here to do! Let’s get it! #RunLeaderPepTalk #ImSooooEncouraging #OrBossy #YouChoose

Mile 1: Yo, it’s chilly out here homey.

Mile 2: Yea, I don’t want to do this anymore. Meanwhile, my thighs feel great. All warmed up and whatnot. I mean, I’d rather warm them up with a martini, but well, warm.

Mile 3: This is a much better race route than last year. Sure I’m running back and forth in a parking lot. Point is, the path is lit and I feel safe. Well done. I also would like food now.

Mile 3(0.1): Yea….it’s going to be freezing tomorrow.

FINISH: I bet they killed it! I can’t wait to see their faces.

I made my way to gear check to pick up my bag and check on my sister. She wasn’t doing too great, even though she did a GREAT job in the 5K. As she updated me about how she was doing, and how the race went, I noticed that I didn’t see her medal. So, while she’s trying to get me up to speed about her health, I ask, Um, where is your medal? because that is clearly more important than life apparently. I didn’t get one, I didn’t win.

What? Gurl, bye.

I love my sister, Lord knows I do, but I just couldn’t Jesus. We had a long discussion about how this whole running thing works, how I’ve never “won” a race in the coming in first sense, but how we win every time we show up and do it.

She didn’t seem impressed by that. But we got her medal anyway because, well, we paid for it. 

We eventually caught back up with the Bruin Homey, and I gave the both of them a little bling of their own…of the candy variety. Firsts are awesome. Don’t you remember all those wonderful firsts you had? And perhaps some that weren’t so wonderful, but you remember them anyway. It’s important to make them memorable. Make them memories you’re always going to come back to. Memories that will inspire some other first.

Another successful adventure in medal’ing. Another Vegas almost completed. And took a whole 35 seconds off my 2014 5K time. It’s the little things.

Half. On. Deck. Son. #IsYouReadyOrNah #Nah #DefinitlyNah

#15ThingsIn2015 Challenge
5 new states (Louisiana, Texas – 2 down, 3 to go) #iShouldWorkOnThisOne #2MonthsLeft
4 new friends (OldieButNewbie #RunningHubby; My Child; WickedWineRunCrew (6 people!); Ragnar Napa Valley (10 people!); Cuzzo; NotQuiteTwinSister & BruinBuddy – 22 down)
3 new running events (Shamrock Half; St Charles Road Race; Orange County Half; Wicked Wine Run; Ragnar Napa Valley; Let’s Go 510…5k; Monster Dash 5k – 7 down)
2 back-to-back running events (Rock N Roll San Jose 5K & Half; Ragnar Napa Valley & Let’s Go 510…5k – 2 down, Rock N Roll Las Vegas 5K, 0 to go)
1 Half Marathon PR (Rock N Roll San Diego Half! 6 minutes!, Rock N Roll Las Vegas 5K – seconds to spare! – 2 down!)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Is There A Doctor In The House?! #IMeanAirplane

It’s that time of the year to be thankful for mommie’s cornbread dressing…and well all the other things we have. Like another year of life. I’m totally thankful for that. I’ll get to see all the things my family, friends, and social media-lites are thankful for with appropriate photos and hashtagging. It’s totally a thing. A good thing.
As I was flying back from Texas, by way of Michigan (I’ll tell you all about my #DeltaAirlines woes later, I swear, #ICant but #IAlwaysDo with them…), I reflected on the things I had been thankful for, as it was the 2nd day of the 30 days of gratitude and I was late #AsPerUsual.

Thankful for being able to see my Daddie. You all know how I feel about that guy. Good (Great!) times with my cousins…I wish I could have seen more of them, but glad we got some facetime and selfies. Grateful that my feet carried me another 3.1 miles. Blackburn Syrup. Fried Catfish. Ratchet Halloween Parties. I mean hella grateful…all while watching one of those free in-flight movies, and charging my mobile devices from the comfort of my seat. #Bruh #ThisIsRealLife

Then, something terribly rude happened. My free movie that I did not pay for at all was interrupted by one of those flight attendant persons. I mean damn! It was just getting good. The woman on the other end of the announcement system asked a single question, along with a request.

Is there a doctor on the flight? If so, please meet us in the back of the airplane.

Whoa. What? I mean, is there? I took some Physiological Science classes at UCLA. Does that count? I mean, in a pinch, I can name all the bones, muscles, parts of the brain, and random facts about the design of our cells. That good enough? Yall playing Jeopardy back there or something? I mean, it must be serious. She didn't even thank us for flying Delta like they do after every single million announcement they make. 

In the back of the airplane there was a passenger with a medical need. They were able to triage that medical need for the last hour or so of the flight. All the while, I was watching a movie about a boy, and Earl, and a dying girl.

I realized that in that moment, I really, actually, truly, became grateful for my life. Sure all the years of it. But for it, my life, in that moment. We never realize how incredibly fleeting our breath is, until someone else’s is taken away.

For the remainder of the flight I watched a movie about a boy, and his co-worker Earl, who made every day at the end of a dying girl’s life so full, that tears welled up in the depths of my soul #SoManySads. How difficult it was, for all of them knowing, that she was going to live less life than all the other people in their world, because the doctor said so – and have no idea what to do with that time. Every day knowing they were almost at the end. I wept for that girl in the movie. And I prayed for that stranger a few rows behind me.

All of these days I've opened my eyes up blissfully not recognizing, that I too am that dying girl. I might one day need a doctor who is happening to fly my way. #WastingTheseTalents1 #BuryingMyGoodLifeInTheDirt.

I’m going to be grateful for that for the next 30 days. And then the 30 after that. And well, you can guess where this line of sentencing is going... I imagine there will be other things that I am grateful for, but, there’s no way I can experience that gratitude if I’m not here. Not just a Thank Ya Jesus, I’m Up (and almost on time for work) type gratitude, but a living gratitude. An active gratitude. It’s more than just an attitude or a disposition. It’s living every moment in gratefulness. My eyes blink, and there is so much beauty in that. Beyond remembering to post it or publish it online. It’s telling myself (not just saying it) that You are here, Be Grateful. If I get nothing else beyond that, then I got too much. And I pray that I found something really worthwhile to do with that too much. That I made a difference somewhere, somehow, no matter how fleeting. That because my world was great, that I made someone else's even better. 

And I thank God that I’m soooooo here for it.

Bruh. Jesus be all up in my life and mentions though *dramatic clap between each word*. I couldn’t forget about Him if I tried. I mean I was on a plane watching movies, minding my own business with my extra large headphones on! Every time I think I got away from Him for a minute, He be like…Yooo! What’s good?! How you doing with all them blessings I gave you??

Then I be like, Bruh…
#Back2TheBlog #BlogginThisGoodNews #ImmaDoBetter #ImmaLiveRight #OkayRight(Ish)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

WastingTheseTalents1: Matthew 25:14 – 30 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

thoughtful #afterthoughts

 << Previous

Other things my fear kept from you (read: me):

thoughtful [thought·ful / THôtfəl] adjective: absorbed in our involving thought; or…showing consideration for the needs of other people; or…showing careful consideration or attention; but really …painting chess pieces, sending time capsule’d care packages across time zones, peanut butter cookies with fork prints, scrapbooks, and ‘what not to wear’ inspired wardrobe make overs.
him… …himonce told me what he wanted for Christmas. My somebody to love. We hadn’t yet spoken those words to each other, but we were in that space and time and doing the lovely things to one another that meant that word. What he wanted was above and beyond what he could do for himself at the time. But he wanted it anyway. I have to admit, that was a lovely thing about himTo be in that hopeful expectant place, and be inspired. The intonations in his voice. How he spoke to assuredly. Like he could see into the future. I suppose he has a prophesize’n way about him.  

For months, on purpose, with fine attention to detail, and sales, I granted that Christmas wish. Not for ego, or vanity, or some type of reward, or even because we had lovely ways about each other. I did it because I knew that it might make him happier that he had been that entire year. Sure there were awesome things that happened to him. But I knew him well enough, in what little loveliness we had, to know that if he counted is good times, and bad times, he’d be lucky if he had more of the former that year. 

 I was absolutely right. Completely correct. I shall never forget a single minute of that fleeting moment. Every now and again, when I get lost in my after-it-all thoughts, I end up there. Full of a feeling I haven’t known in years. That memory is almost a decade old. And so is that energy. That enthusiasm. That engagement in a task. Not even sure I could muster up the eagerness to do such a thing ever again.

Promises. I actually promised myself I would never do that specific a thing again. Make something happen for someone I thought lovely things about, like the way I didhim

Problem being, most people won’t be committed enough to you to carefully construct something that will mean the world to you. Sooner than you think, lovely will end.

 And all the moments you captured for memories won’t feel the same.

a man much later in my life after lovely went away #HesGoneToo, once told me that I was thoughtful. Because I remember things. I was so intrigued by that remark, you know. Don’t we all remember? Well, me? Not really. I actually forget more things than I remember – at least I think I do. I’m so good at forgetting, I can tell my staff team what things they need to remind me of, and what things they don’t, because I know, consciously what ish I’ll forget just as soon as they tell me.

At least I thought I was good at forgetting stuff (not on purpose, my job is stressful sometimes, yo). That man didn’t feel the same way about it. About my remembrance. It, my ability to remember him, was confounding. Becausea mandidn’t remember people they way that I did.

Before the discussing ended a man asked me about all of this. In a space and time where I had nothing to lose. I could have worked through some of my emotional mess. But my thoughts were so full of fear. What would I allow myself to say? And what would those words mean? How could I have manufactured a way unwittingly to this particular moment in life #musiq ? What was I not over-nonsensically thinking?

My thoughts filled that train ride home. #LocalTrainToSJ #MakesAllStops

 I had that moment again, I might have tolda man that perhaps somewhere on the inside, I decided to love other people in ways I’m probably never going to be loved. I mean, I hope and pray to the Lord that I am loved in these ways one day – but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen…at least not in the ways I hoped it would…or using the timeline I *so humbly* suggested. #GuessIHaventSweptThatDressAllTheWayUp #AshesLeftOver

And, because…well, I am afraid someone (else) will tell me I’m not worth the thoughtfulness of remembering…because someone (else) already told me how they never felt about me and how that never changed (and never would change). Which I can’t seem, for the mental health of me, to unremember (made that word up too, because unremembering was probably the point of the telling).

How can anyone live life for any amount of time not worth the thought of being remembered? Or being remembered in a lovely way? Did you know that the act of remembrance is lifesaving? It’s an act of love.

And you cannot love what you cannot remember.

fear, like all addictions

never really goes away

try all you can

…and you’ll surely have another fearful day.

if i’ve not learned anything well at all
not living my life as fully as i could
i figured out that with
and a (lot bit) of prayer
one can keep your fear at bay.
have faith,
you will be afraid my love,
…and have so many more brave days.

#DoingItAfraid #JustLikeTamesaSaid #SheSoSmartAndKindAndImportant 
#INeed2CatchUpWithHer #ItsBeenTooLong #ButClearlyIRememberHer #ThatsLove

This is the end.

Like For Real, For Real. #IsYouMadOrNah?