Thursday, November 19, 2015

Is There A Doctor In The House?! #IMeanAirplane

It’s that time of the year to be thankful for mommie’s cornbread dressing…and well all the other things we have. Like another year of life. I’m totally thankful for that. I’ll get to see all the things my family, friends, and social media-lites are thankful for with appropriate photos and hashtagging. It’s totally a thing. A good thing.
As I was flying back from Texas, by way of Michigan (I’ll tell you all about my #DeltaAirlines woes later, I swear, #ICant but #IAlwaysDo with them…), I reflected on the things I had been thankful for, as it was the 2nd day of the 30 days of gratitude and I was late #AsPerUsual.

Thankful for being able to see my Daddie. You all know how I feel about that guy. Good (Great!) times with my cousins…I wish I could have seen more of them, but glad we got some facetime and selfies. Grateful that my feet carried me another 3.1 miles. Blackburn Syrup. Fried Catfish. Ratchet Halloween Parties. I mean hella grateful…all while watching one of those free in-flight movies, and charging my mobile devices from the comfort of my seat. #Bruh #ThisIsRealLife

Then, something terribly rude happened. My free movie that I did not pay for at all was interrupted by one of those flight attendant persons. I mean damn! It was just getting good. The woman on the other end of the announcement system asked a single question, along with a request.

Is there a doctor on the flight? If so, please meet us in the back of the airplane.

Whoa. What? I mean, is there? I took some Physiological Science classes at UCLA. Does that count? I mean, in a pinch, I can name all the bones, muscles, parts of the brain, and random facts about the design of our cells. That good enough? Yall playing Jeopardy back there or something? I mean, it must be serious. She didn't even thank us for flying Delta like they do after every single million announcement they make. 

In the back of the airplane there was a passenger with a medical need. They were able to triage that medical need for the last hour or so of the flight. All the while, I was watching a movie about a boy, and Earl, and a dying girl.

I realized that in that moment, I really, actually, truly, became grateful for my life. Sure all the years of it. But for it, my life, in that moment. We never realize how incredibly fleeting our breath is, until someone else’s is taken away.

For the remainder of the flight I watched a movie about a boy, and his co-worker Earl, who made every day at the end of a dying girl’s life so full, that tears welled up in the depths of my soul #SoManySads. How difficult it was, for all of them knowing, that she was going to live less life than all the other people in their world, because the doctor said so – and have no idea what to do with that time. Every day knowing they were almost at the end. I wept for that girl in the movie. And I prayed for that stranger a few rows behind me.

All of these days I've opened my eyes up blissfully not recognizing, that I too am that dying girl. I might one day need a doctor who is happening to fly my way. #WastingTheseTalents1 #BuryingMyGoodLifeInTheDirt.

I’m going to be grateful for that for the next 30 days. And then the 30 after that. And well, you can guess where this line of sentencing is going... I imagine there will be other things that I am grateful for, but, there’s no way I can experience that gratitude if I’m not here. Not just a Thank Ya Jesus, I’m Up (and almost on time for work) type gratitude, but a living gratitude. An active gratitude. It’s more than just an attitude or a disposition. It’s living every moment in gratefulness. My eyes blink, and there is so much beauty in that. Beyond remembering to post it or publish it online. It’s telling myself (not just saying it) that You are here, Be Grateful. If I get nothing else beyond that, then I got too much. And I pray that I found something really worthwhile to do with that too much. That I made a difference somewhere, somehow, no matter how fleeting. That because my world was great, that I made someone else's even better. 

And I thank God that I’m soooooo here for it.

Bruh. Jesus be all up in my life and mentions though *dramatic clap between each word*. I couldn’t forget about Him if I tried. I mean I was on a plane watching movies, minding my own business with my extra large headphones on! Every time I think I got away from Him for a minute, He be like…Yooo! What’s good?! How you doing with all them blessings I gave you??

Then I be like, Bruh…
#Back2TheBlog #BlogginThisGoodNews #ImmaDoBetter #ImmaLiveRight #OkayRight(Ish)

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WastingTheseTalents1: Matthew 25:14 – 30