Tuesday, November 24, 2015

If Found In A Bar… #LeaveMe #ItsTooColdWindyRainy2Run

Bruh. Las Vegas was a really awful place in a past life. Had to be for the weather to be that damn disrespectful yo. I mean, c’mon! I pay my taxes. I talk to Jesus on occasion about getting my life right. I give Sallie’s henchmen a pint of blood on a regular basis. Like really, did we deserve that????

I know what you’re thinking. It’s like Winter or something. Don’t you expect it to be cold in Winter?

Naw homey, I grew up in California where Winter is for suckas. So, we don’t do the whole “winter” thing in the cold sense of the word. We do it in the fashion sense of the word. You know, northface jackets and timberlands in well air conditioned malls. Because, brrrr.

Okay, seriously, I expected the cold. That’s why I had on my super cute layers and warm-like running gear. As me and #RunningBae took our vegas running selfies and bib photos, we realized that it was going to be another chilly one under the Vegas lights. But we weren’t expecting this.

START: Was that a rain drop? *runner passes with a water bottle in hand* Oh, that must have been condensation from his bottle #ImNotSweatin #MorrisDay.

Mile 1: Nah homey, that’s rain. Like rain…rain. You know, from clouds and ish in the sky, You know, like precipitation. After the condensation step. Remember that?

Mile 2: I’m definitely stopping at the “Welcome To Las Vegas Sign”… *gets in like to take the picture* then *gets my super cute, I’ve only done like 1 mile pose on*
Oh Wow! That was a really great picture!
Gurl, I know, right? #sassafras

Mile 3: This. Is. So. Stupid! Why do I come to Las Vegas every year and run? OMG I wanna hurt myself more than I’m already hurting… *big gust of wind pushes me into another runner*

Mile 4: I see where Yolanda got the inspiration for that song. I’m out here running through the storm, Lord. ♫…the storms of life will blow, they’re sure to come and go…they meet me at a time…when I’m cold calm and doing running fine…

Mile 5: I think these winds forgot about the and go part of the song.

Mile 6: Nope. I quit. I’m going to Walgreens. I’m getting me a ginger ale, a bottle of wine. Some gloves. And some tights. This is stupid and I’m beyond over it. *goes to the bathroom in Walgreens and chats with other runners waiting*

Mile 7: One of these days I’m going to learn to be a quitter. Ahhh! Celia!!! Come Through!!! ♫…ay, no hay que llorar, que la vida es un carnaval, es más bello vivir cantando…♪ Ugh, fine. I’ll get to it then. Why come every time I wanna complain and be a baby the ancestors (I got Latin Ancestors too) be coming for me like this? #WipingTears #SingingAndRunning #YesImBilateral #iMeanLingual #EvelinPickedThisSong #ThanksGurl

Mile 8: I’ve never wanted anything to end more than I wanted this to end.

Mile 9: *gust of wind literally dislodges my headphone from my left ear* #ThereAreNoWords and *clap*clap* #NoMusic

Mile 10: *Mali Music – Walking Shoes comes on* You damn right I’m walking! Eff this. That medal will be there when I get there. Well, except that one time the medal wasn’t there when you got there. DAMMIMT! *running again*

Mile 11: And lookie here. All these over achievers a couple of blocks over taking all my greatness. Running a whole 26.2 miles in the time it takes me to ingest the fluid building up in my lungs – I mean run 13.1 miles. Jerks. #ReallyImpressivePeopleImHatingOnBecauseImNotGreatYet

Mile 12: I’m definitely going to get some more Garrett’s Popcorn. #EarnedIt

Mile 13: This is literally the hardest mile I’ve ever run in my entire life.

Mile 13(0.1): OMG! There is a tenth of a mile more. Just come collect my weary soul and take me home to glory Lord. I’m ready. #TakeMeUpYonder

FINISH: Dude. I’m going to drink a gallon of chocolate milk. And they better have some firm bananas back there. Or there will be hell. I mean, not from me because I have no feeling left in any of my extremities. But suffice it to say, I will type a strongly worded letter within the next week!

Another Vegas experience in the books. I mean, I could go on and on about the weather (and will, because that’s my thing) but it was a great weekend. The weather made this 13.1 miles ridiculously hard, but I suppose that’s the lesson. How bad do you want it? Are you only willing to go out and get it when it’s easy? When the conditions are favorable? When everything is in the right place for you to be successful?

Oh, that’s the only time you want it?

You have got to take the sweet with the salt. And I was hella salty after this one. It’s honestly reminiscent of that very first half marathon. Aside from the wind. There were more points in that first one, and this one in which I was ready to tap out. Like RET-TA-GO!

But something inside of me refuses to quit.

I suppose firsts aren’t the only memorable ones. The tough ones are pretty unforgettable too.

…and I just made another memory.

#15ThingsIn2015 Challenge
5 new states (Louisiana, Texas – 2 down, 3 to go) #iShouldWorkOnThisOne #2MonthsLeft
4 new friends (OldieButNewbie #RunningHubby; My Child; WickedWineRunCrew (6 people!); Ragnar Napa Valley (10 people!); Cuzzo; NotQuiteTwinSister & BruinBuddy – 22 down)
3 new running events (Shamrock Half; St Charles Road Race; Orange County Half; Wicked Wine Run; Ragnar Napa Valley; Let’s Go 510…5k; Monster Dash 5k – 7 down)
2 back-to-back running events (Rock N Roll San Jose 5K & Half; Ragnar Napa Valley & Let’s Go 510…5K, Rock N Roll Las Vegas 5K & Half, 3 down)
1 Half Marathon PR (Rock N Roll San Diego Half! 6 minutes!, Rock N Roll Las Vegas 5K – 35 seconds to spare! – 2 down!)

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