Friday, November 6, 2015

DubsWin, so WeRun #LetsGo510

See, when you’re me, you’ve got to have a sense of humor about this running stuff. Because, well, you sometimes plan running events in the same weekend. Which isn’t abnormal, per say #Such&Thus. I mean, a couple of remix challenges, running this event last year the day before Rock n Roll Los Angeles. The idea of this isn’t new. It’s actually part of your #15in2015. Right? You out here running #Back2Back #twice like Drizzy. Like nobody who knows you is surprised by your behavior at all.  

What’s different? You actually didn’t intend for it to work out this way. You actually thought that this event was on a different weekend. And you were excited about the fact that you’d get to run consecutive weekends.

You need a personal assistant. You need your google calendar to assume human form. And follow you around.

But I gotta do it. It’s #RunningHubby’s last event of the challenge. He’s taken down an #8k on a bum toe, a #12k with you nowhere in sight of the finish as he crossed, and now this #10k. You gotta be there for it. All of the distances. All of the finishes. All of the medals. All of the challenges.

Just not there in the doing the #10K sense of being there. Because you’re a Ragnarian now. And, well, you’ve been sleeping in a SUV. And, well, you really don’t wanna. So, just no. There’s a #5k. Just do that. #ankle #ItsOkayToUnderachieveOnce #TabWouldBeProud 

START: It’s me and you Jigs. Let’s get it.

Mile 1: Hmmm. It’s been a while since I’ve walked a race. This actually feels good. Seriously, I should do this more often.

Mile 2: Or nah. I kind of get why I run now. I’d like for this to be over Jesus. #iUnderstandYouNowAlicia #SprintUpTheHills #GetItOverAlready

Mile 3: Wait, what happened to Jigs? Oh, there she is. Oh, now I know what I gotta do. She’s about to hate me. I think I like it.

Mile 3(0.1): Oh, she’s about to get this PR. And a kill. C’mon Jigs!!!!

FINISH: Yassssssss! She did that! That girl never stood a chance!!!! I’m so proud! She killed this 5k!

Mile 6(0.2): eeeeek. They look upset. Maybe I should start cheering and get all happy and whatnot and they’ll forget they just ran 6.2 miles without me.

(their)FINISH: Whatever you do girl, Do. Not. Break. Character. Turn-The-Eff-Up!

I did what I said I would do. I was present for every run. I started with him. And at the very last one, I got to see him finish. I was able to witness his first steps, and welcome in his last with clapping, cheering, and a shiny new medal. I’ll never know what he became. I think I want to, but it's not for me to know. It was always and only for me to do what I said I would do. Be there. He asked me not to leave him, and I never did. I think that I believe that everyone is going to have some life changing experience from all of this. That they are going to get hooked on the feeling like Tyrone Biggims is on crack #hooked #addicted #ItsSoContagious. But I don’t think it’s that way – and I’m not sure it’s that way for him. But whatever it was, I hope it was worth it.

It’s an amazing feeling seeing your friends achieve their goals. #RunningHubby wasn’t the only person who set out to do something great. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, all stealthy like a fighter jet, Jigs #AngelicaRollerskates been out here marching for miles and medals. A quiet commitment to something greater than herself. I think it was just how she wanted it to be. Something personal, something just for her, something to prove something else to herself. I hope it taught her whatever it was suppose to teach her too…and then a little something else. It’s always the unexpected lessons, those unknown things we come to know about ourselves by surprise that grow us. I imagine she didn’t think she had it in her to sprint that last leg of the race. I wish she could have seen the smirk on her face as she crossed the finish line. It was everything.

…and that’s #Year2 of the #RunTheBay challenge. I'm not doing this again. I mean, it's not a chore or anything to do. But, really, why would you do something AGAIN, after you literally just did it AGAIN??? 

I was prepared to hang the medals up until they told me what you get in #Year3.

A medal rack.

FuhK. I’ll be back. #2016 #TheYearOfRagnar #andTheRunTheBayChallenge 
#Again #andAgain #andOneMoTime #ForTheOrangeCameraAndMedalRack

#15ThingsIn2015 Challenge
5 new states (Louisiana – 1 down, 4 to go) #iShouldWorkOnThisOne
4 new friends (OldieButNewbie #RunningHubby; My Child; WickedWineRunCrew (6 people!); Ragnar Napa Valley (10 people!) – 18 down, -12 to go)
3 new running events (Shamrock Half; St Charles Road Race; Orange County Half; Wicked Wine Run; Ragnar Napa Valley; Let’s Go 510…5k – 6 down, -3 to go)
2 back-to-back running events (Rock N Roll San Jose 5K & Half; Ragnar Napa Valley & Let’s Go 510…5k – 2, 0 to go)
1 Half Marathon PR (Rock N Roll San Diego! 6 minutes! – 1 down, 0 to go)

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