Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Mandar #itshisthing

You know, maybe if you actually typed in the address to the start location in your phone *instead of always texting will driving #YeaImPetty* then perhaps we’ll get to where we need to go IN time…

I don’t need no GPS. I have mandar.

Mandar? *meanest side eye every given before 8:00am* WTF is Mandar? I’m not doing this with you this morning. We better not be late.

We’re not going to be late. I know these streets… Look, we’re here…

*mumbles under breath* Lucky ass…

I was ready to go in! Like seriously. I sent you all the information you needed. All you had to do with type an address into the map application on your smart phone, and let it navigate us. No, that’s not the easiest thing to do. The easiest thing to do is to not even look at the street address to the meet up spot. Nope. Just know the general area of the race location, and drive until you get there – even into construction, because there’s construction on the streets you would have taken.

I can’t with this dude. But I have to. Because fate somehow selected us for each other. #IChooseYou #WeAlreadyKnowIMakeBadChoices … And today’s choice is no different. Well, it’s not a bad choice, but it’s ill-advised like a mofo. You know there’s a 5k option, right? You know that’s NOT what we’re doing, right? Yup. I’ve talked CJC #TheWorldsOkayestRunner and (running)Hubby into running the 12K. Because she can’t complete her #iRunTheBay Challenge on some punk ass 5K and I won’t let him do it because he doesn’t listen to me anyway, so he’s never quite sure of what’s he is signed up to run. I’m not a very good friend.

We make it. I have to admit it. But like I’m going to say it. Whatevs. We are in line with CJC ready to take these school buses across the bridge. Because the awesome thing about the 12K is that you run across the Golden Gate. Okay, I take it back. Today is going to be awesome. My first time running the Golden Gate Bridge.

Wait. Isn’t the bridge high? Meaning, we’ll have to run UP to it? Meaning, this really isn’t a flat course? Like at least the first few miles of it? FFAAAWWWKKKK! Did I tell yall just how much I hate hills and inclines? I don’t want to do this. I really don’t.

And while I am pondering the fate of my calf muscles…

So, just like San Jose…we’re going to run together?

You realize you left me? At the end. You took off. We didn’t finish together.

We’re running together! I’m not going to leave you! I promise!
      *looks over at CJC…she knows these are lies*
*CJC shrugs*

START: Sure. We’re going to run together. Sure we are #LiesToldByRunningHusbands

Mile 1: This fool didn’t even pace with me to the Mile 1 Marker. He ain’t loyal at all. I can’t.

Mile 2: I should have known better. I need to read the elevation maps of these courses before the race. Well, maybe I shouldn’t. No way would I have done this knowingly. #ShouldaDidThe5K

Mile 3: Okay, fine. This view from the bridge is beautiful. Lemme get these good selfies in!

Mile 4: What does this truck say? You’re Almost There Almost where? Almost finished? Man, yall keep on lying to me. First my (running)Husband, now this. #CantWin

Mile 5: I’m so hungry, Lord. Please be a banana from a kind stranger. Maybe this motorcycle club gentlefellow holding up traffic so I can pass by slowly has one. No? You don’t? Keep running? Eh.

Mile 6: That fool (read: running husband) better be at the finish line with food. Or. Else.

Mile 7: And a taco. With bacon on it. Or do I want pancakes and a grape soda? Nawww – Eggrolls! Yasssss! With some sushi on the side? All of that. Running baby (read: stomach cramps and hunger pains) is kicking inside.

Mile 7(0.4): A gottdamn hill right before the finish? Yall ain’t right. This is cruel and unusual punishment! Making me earn these medals and miles hunh?
Finish: Not even a bottle of water for me. I can’t with this dude. Yes, I’m thirsty! Imagine me being thirsty after, I don’t know, running??? O_o

But CJC is smiling from her Calf muscles to Coast! That medal looks GREAT on her! I could be more proud, but my legs hurt, so I’m like 85% proud and 15% in pain. Nothing like setting out to achieve something, and doing it…and doing it well! She gets out on this pavement and finds a way to be great every race. Her smiles, her hugs, her unwavering support of everyone, and her commitment to herself. This is the stuff my running crew is made of.

But that’s running for you. Something about it changes you. I think the running crew is pretty secure in the thought that we are conquerors…that we can achieve great things. But something about THIS thing – running – brings out another dimension to it. At least for me anyway. Perhaps because there was a time when I really believed I could not do this – then I figured out I could, that every running achievement, no matter how small is mind blowing? 13.1 miles was once impossible – and only impossible because I believed that.

Anyway, you love us. We’re the most amazing running crew full of serious (read: LOL, that was hella funny to you too?) athletes you know.

And even though he didn’t have water for me, he made sure our running baby got something to eat. I suppose he’ll get a pass this time.

#15ThingsIn2015 Challenge
5 new states (Louisiana – 1 down, 4 to go)
4 new friends (OldieButNewbie #RunningHubby; My Child – 2 down, 2 to go)
3 new running events (Shamrock Half; St Charles Road Race – 2 down, 1 to go)
2 back-to-back running events

1 Half Marathon PR

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