Friday, June 12, 2015

Being Presidential #ShamrockinGoodTimes

It’s been weird, you know, focusing on the miles and other things. It seemed more daunting, and yet manageable, to find a running event, sign up, show up, and show out. That kept me pretty busy. However, this year, every mile counts. I’m getting credit for waking up and running. And although that doesn’t happen every day, the fact that I can technically get up, go run, and get credit for it, is awesome.

You know what else is awesome? Spending time with Eboogie and Dr. Splits on Trees in the Capital City. Did yall know that Alicia Makeykey aka Eboogie aka always wanna call someone an overachiever but she really is the one achieving over stuff is training for a Marathon??? Right. Same thing I said.

So, we’re just calling this a training run for her. I mean, she had to run 20 miles, so a half is like, a warm up. So we (read: she) warmed up.

Okay, for real though. It’s an opportunity for Alicia to get a quick PR on her way to greatness #1PercenterStatus. For me to you know, be basic for bling, but log a hash mark in that new running event category. And for REJIII #ThePresident (JustBob) to get that first half marathon medal! See…we can all be great for different reasons on the same pavement.

Only 67% of that paragraph is going to be great. I spent all my greatness on… A tooth extraction, a night of dancing, a damn-near-half-marathon hike, ineffective pain medication, and well…life. You’re not surprised by this at all. You expect this from me. I’m so loyal to you.

Our race outfits were on fleek, while the right side of my face was on FAAAWWWWKK! Yo, getting a tooth extraction without proper pain medication and antibiotics is the devil. Ain’t nothing holy in it. Except maybe the hole in the back of my mouth stitched up by grace and new mercies.

Sacramento was beautiful. It’s been so long since the last time I ran SacTown #MOOnlight10k #AliciaOverAchievedThatDayToo, that I would have appreciated the beauty (OldieButNewbie #RunningHubby reads: booty) but it was hard to concentrate.

Enter Dr. Splits on Trees. See, the night before we were having wonderful conversations about life and running, and you know, smart people stuff. This somehow, inextricably led to conversations about the struggle of us Black folks and freedom and whatnot. Seriously. All from a conversation about running Rock n Roll DC in 2016. We went from taking selfies at the Dr. King Memorial during the run, to who was going to pace us on the Underground Railroad. Yes I love my friends. No, you cannot have them.

This, of course means that Dr. Splits on Trees is waiting for you around Mile 3-ish with a sign instructing you to run for your freedom. Our ancestors made it possible for me to be out here running this race. I just… I just… Just why Lord? Why?

Shortly past this point I was jealous that old people could remove their teeth and gums, but I like, still kinda needed mine. My jaw was killing me.

So, at around Mile 9 or so, I was ready to give it up. I mean, really, why are these my life choices? I’ve been compressing my hand to the side of my face, jogging and popping Tylenol with codeine because Kaiser wouldn’t let my original pain medication prescription be fully realized.

For the first time in history of a running event, I stopped. I deviated from the course, and took a detour into a restaurant. I’ve paused my run for a potty break, or to grab water from the stations, but never a non-race-related stop. I had to get ice. The side of my jaw felt like I went a few rounds with Evander Holyfield or something. I could not take it.

A nice man behind the bar filled my empty zip lock bag (once hold my less than effective pain medication) with ice. Gave me a cool plastic cup of water, and then wished me luck. As I began again, feeling defeated that I left the course, there was a group of happy people passing out refreshments. Because orange juice is refreshing and champagne is new life.

I mean, eventually I finished. But that wasn’t my reason for being there. See, #ThePresident was having a first experience too. We turkey trotted, but that is nothing compared to this. A half marathon? And we’ve traveled to the Capital City to inaugurate #ThePresident into our gaggle of serious athletes.

As you would have expected, Alicia killed it. #ThePresident made it in record time. And I, well, never would have made it without that baggie of ice.

What were the lessons learned on this day?

1. Committing to a training plan actually works. Because, science. #EBoogieDidThat #ItsKindOfAThingToTrainAccordingToAPlan

2.  Stopping only feels like failure if you make it feel that way. Most people don’t care. It seems to be a big deal to me tho.

3.    Supportive friends are everything. Even if they make race signs that literally cause you to laugh hysterically and almost forget that you’re running a race.

4.    Inspiration is cyclic. Much like energy it isn’t created or destroyed. Just transferred.


If our lives are like #TheMatrix and we run into a program at the train station, then we know... Inspiration (like love) is just a word. What matters is the connection it implies - the meaning we give it.

Before the race, when #ThePresident asked Eboogie to take a picture of us, me being his running inspiration ... Not gonna lie, I felt a thug tear. But I held it together.

I have no idea what connection he implied or meaning he gives that word, but I'm honored and humbled. I'm not a great runner, but I suppose I've got something to give people who desire to run.

Oh, and he SMOKED the streets of Sacramento!

Somehow something I’ve said, or done or been, has inspired him. I knew all too well before his wave took off that he was going to run the race of his life. I had no doubt. I could see it in him and around him. And all the while, his courage in that moment, despite all the anxiety and unknown, was inspiring me.

#15ThingsIn2015 Challenge
5 new states
4 new friends (OldieButNewbie #RunningHubby – 1 down, 3 to go)
3 new running events (Shamrock Half – 1 down, 2 to go)
2 back-to-back running events
1 Half Marathon PR

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