Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Wedding On The Run #doyouknowntheway

Yea, I know the way. I’m back on my home turf. Rerunning the fourth race of #14in2014, but the first official race of #2015Kin2015 #1253milesIn2015? Why am I here? Doing a repeat race in a repeat challenge series?

I’m here because while it doesn’t count for my one of my three new events, it does count towards my #Make4NewFriends. And he’s an oldie but a newbie to the pavement.

It’s interesting what happens when you do something you love. You start to talk about that thing you love. Because it makes you incredibly happy. When you love something, it consumes you. It becomes all that you are. And, you want other people to love it. The hope is that it will make them as happy as it makes you. But you can never know that for sure. Though inside your broken little heart, you know that they too will find a way to love it. You know that.

Here’s the thing tho. I’m a runner, sure. But I’m not that great of a runner. So, while I’m preaching this running gospel, it’s not like I’ve done any research. You’ve read this blog; plenty of serious runners would read what I’ve done and just…not. Like, not even…

And OldieButNewbie was so worried. What was he worried about? A bunch of silly stuff like: You’re going to take off at the Start Line and run off and leave me…I’m not going to make it…I can’t run 5 miles…It’s going to be too hard…

He threw all that at me, and I knocked it out the park. It was easy to respond to those worries with so much confidence because they were once my worries. And, as figured out they weren’t real, race after race, I became more confident. I mean, I made it. I survived. And there was no way that I was going to leave him. We start together, we finish together. We got this. Our race, His pace.

Yea, that wasn’t good enough. It was like he didn’t believe me. Didn’t believe that he was going to be okay. Sure, you’ve never ran 5 miles, but um, it’s 5 miles. On city streets. In a running event where you can walk the entire time and still make it.

We went on a field trip. Because having successfully survived #14in2014 was not expert experience enough. Nor the fact that, literally a year ago, almost to the date, I did this race – nope, not enough. Just like #ConferenceHubby, it seems that #RunningHubby doesn't listen too good. But the trip served multiple purposes. If you’re not running with confidence, you can at least do it with new feet. So, we talked to a man about a pair of proper running shoes. Well, I didn’t need a pair. OldieButNewbie did tho.

Also, if you didn't catch that, I’z married now! I say I’z married now!!!! I'm registered at all Running (related) Stores, and will gladly accept race registrations... We're (read: I'm) registered at those too... #seewhatwedidthere #happilyeverafterthepainpillsandstretching 

Maybe it was a gender thing. Maybe it was the sun shining on the Bay Area. Maybe it was all the awesome running paraphernalia in the store. I can’t be too sure. But he left out of there a new man. You would have thought I was preparing to run my first race and he was encouraging me!

But I love running. And he loves (read: cool with) running too. It’s tough. Sticking to a training plan. Fighting to through the pain. Combating the negative messaging that starts with that 5:00am wake up alarm on race day. Realizing that even though you know that you can start and finish (because you’re stubborn and like challenges), when you have a heart to heart with yourself, you know that there’s a really good chance you should have your medical card with you, just in case… #ifallDownStandingStillSometimes #ItsALostArt #IGotThatCoverageTho #DontLetEmTakeMeToCounty

Race day was awesome. I knew where to go, how to get there, and what to do. He followed along. Not even attempting to step out in front or veto a decision – not once. Blind trust or blind faith? I suppose a little of both. It was a humbling moment. Being on the other side of my confidence. I ran much of #14in2014 in fear. I always found my confidence though, on the other side of the finish (interchange with: fear).

And that’s where his was waiting. Only, he had to make it through the sea of rear ends. Apparently, and this is news to me, if you want to entice a heterosexual male such as OldieButNewbie #RunningHubby to run with you, you don’t need to outline:

1. Meeting awesome people,
3. Bomb race swag,
4. Beautiful scenic views, or
5. The inadvertent health benefits.

You need only say, would you like to look at the women’s butts for a couple of hours? They’ll be wearing colorful spandex and other tightly fitting running pants/shorts.

Apparently, if you say this, you don’t have to try to figure out a way to massage the costs of the running events, or sweet talk that early morning start time, or mention the whole “training plan” thing. It’ll just kinda happen.


So… We killed the #408K. And it was even more amazing the 2nd time around. The weather was nicer. My running clique was with me #SquadLacedUp #ProudRunLeader and we were moments away from the first race medal of the year.

…and mile one was awesome! It went by so quickly, I could have been on pace for a PR. But, this was “Our race, His pace”…so I took my time. Honestly, he’s naturally probably faster than me, but I had already done this. I already got my greatness. It was his turn.

For the most part, it was “our” race, right? Perfectly timed breaks. Brief conversations. Exchanges of encouraging words. Random questions are we there yet?… I mean, having the time of our lives.

As we got closer to the end, I made sure to let OldieButNewbie know, so he could prepare for the finish. You know, hit the nitro #TooFastAndFurious and speed through the finish with me, right? I didn’t want him to hit the button too soon. Our race, His pace. Right? Well, by “our” he was like, yea, we’re both here…and “his pace” he was like oh, you were here running next to me? I didn’t see you, so I left.

Yea, he totally left me. I jogged the last 0.25 miles by myself. Because I wanted to get across the finish line. And, catch up with him. So we could take a picture and have mimosas.

What were the lessons learned on this day?

1.    You can have all the experience in the world. And you’ll still have to get another opinion. #YourFriendsWontBelieveYou #You’llNeedMorePeople

2.     A woman’s butt can be a man’s motivation. #concept *shrugs*

3.    Witnessing someone’s first will never get old. There is so much joy in seeing someone see/do/experience something for the first time. Like a baby’s first step.

4.    If you’re both at the 0.25 miles left mark, just run. He’s definitely going to leave you. He’s not loyal.

#15ThingsIn2015 Challenge
5 new states
4 new friends (OldieButNewbie #RunningHubby – 1 down, 3 to go)
3 new running events
2 back-to-back running events
1 Half Marathon PR

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