Monday, April 27, 2020

Who’s Inspiring You? #AlmostCanceled

 What a week, yall.

Gratitude is Done. Hope has been checked off the list. We literally laughed out way through humor. And now we are here. Underachieving during the one week where I should have been primed for success. Inspiration.

It was almost cancelled.

I had grand plans of getting miles in each day, in honor of someone or something that inspired me. I started off with my mile+ loop Monday and Tuesday, but those were the hardest miles I ran this week. It felt forced, and contrived, which inspired me to, well, not do much running after that. For an experience that has had me planning running outfits, excitedly, to searching desperately for my running shoes Saturday morning. I planned to join friends for a group-Zoom run, but that 7:00am alarm? Just, no. I eventually got up and got out later in the day, and finished my miles on the treadmill and at Club MTV w/ D-Nice and later at #ClubQuarantine #AfterDark

EVEN THIS BLOG ENTRY IS LATE – and I love writing?! What is going on?

If my underachieving inspires you, then we have:

15k = 9.3 miles
Running (outdoor): 4.82 miles
Running (treadmill): 1.413 miles
Exercising: 62mins/3.061 miles

   [The Math: 9.3mi – (4.82mi + 1.413mi) = 3.061mi; 3.061mi x 20min = 61.22mins; 62 mins of exercise/physical activity]

3k = 3.1 miles
Running (treadmill): 3.429 miles

   [The Math: Well, D-Nice an’nem was partying with a purpose to raise money for UNCF (Donate! (if you can) and I was well, you know, looking for purpose… #HillmanCollege #Alumnae]

E-Boogie got that 5K in too! Done. Dedicated my inspiration run to my homey Ross that passed away on the 10th. #prayers #love She also dedicated a run to my father, who passed around the time we were supposed to do the #RockNRollSD #HalfMarathonRelay. I love her for that, and other reasons… Like being my #someone in #california, who…, and still, reasons more.

But about this Inspiration thing…

Before I moved back to California, I came to the Bay Area for a visit. Literally, there was no big concert, or sporting event, or anything causing me to fly from ORF >> SJC other than the Bay Area is one of my homes, a beloved one. I was out to dinner with a friend who had recently began his running adventures. He dove into the deep in of the running pool where Spartan Races happen, and well, I still needed floaties for my running adventures. I was so proud of him, marveling at his Spartan Race series medal (one of three he was looking to earn). It reinvigorated my love and passion for running. Not so much to sign up for the mud, climbing, burpees, and fire, but enough to consider the next challenge. I will never forget what he said to me, after saying, You’re a smart girl, but that’s a dumb phone… #iLovedThatKeyboard lol

Somebody gotta inspire those that inspire [others].

Most of what inspires me is out of my daily reach. Before my father became present with the Lord, he was always 1000+ miles away from me. The spirits of the ancestors are among us, but we must search for them, for the things they left behind, for their faces, to remind of our why.

I went on and on thinking to all the people, all the places, all the things, for which I have an abundance of gratitude, for how they inspired me. It was only when I got home, I realized that he was saying something like, me, like I, was inspiring people, and he had to do the work to inspire me, so I could inspire others.

Before I started this week, ready to take on the pavement, each day, and give to all that inspired me, paying homage to him, for that moment, was not on the list. Maybe my inability to be great in the way I planned was about that. Was about finding that moment. Finding him. About doing something, that inspires someone else. About being on the giving end of inspiration, instead of taking (being) inspired.

It seems strange, hunh? To do something with the intention of inspiring others. Like you’re just THAT good. Scratch that, you’re just that damn great, and the world is waiting for you to have that Ilyana effect on them, because, in times like these, we need fixing! But what if it wasn’t that. What if it was an act of service, to those, who plow and till the lands which birth what inspires us? I imagine their yokes are heavy burdensome blessings…

Because honestly, when that memory of him came to me on Sunday, I was already past the 5K mark. (I was also jammin’ to D-Nice. I get my best thoughts when I run #inspired).

Good thing everybody knows…almost doesn’t count.

This week is all about COURAGE! How fitting…

Monday, April 20, 2020

Much Ado About Humor… #Yup #UnCanceled

We are on a roll (run) folks! What have we accomplished so far?

Well, Gratitude? Done. Then there was Hope. Got it. And this week, we un-canceled HUMOR, and it is right on time. It’s like Teddy Riley knew I needed to end this race week with a laugh, because yall have SENT ME with these memes, and tweets, and comments during the IG Live! Let me tell you, I. STAN. for each and every one of you. I’m not sure if I burned more calories during Saturday’s 15k or while watching the #VERZUZ that wasn’t Teddy Riley v Babyface unfold!

Anyway, you have my laughs and my thanks. And I offer in return this week’s race re-cap and HUMOR(ous) reflections!


10k = 6.2 miles
Running: 4.20 miles
Exercising: 40mins/2.0 miles

   [The Math: 6.2mi – 4.2mi = 2.0mi; 2.0mi x 20min = 40mins; 40 mins of exercise/ physical activity]

8k = 4.97 miles
Running: 4.02 miles
Exercising: 19mins/0.95 miles

   [The Math: 4.97mi – 4.02mi = 0.95mi; 0.95mi x 20min = 19mins; 19 mins of exercise/ physical activity]

3k = 3.1 miles
Running: 1.38 miles
Exercising: 35mins/1.72 miles

   [The Math: 3.1mi – 1.38mi = 1.72mi; 1.72mi x 20min = 34.4mins; 34.4 rounded up to 35 mins of exercise/physical activity]

Here's that 3.6 mi courtesy of my ZOOM Group Run!

15k = 9.3 miles
Running (outdoor): 4.9 miles
Running (treadmill): 3.6 miles
Exercising: 16mins/0.8 miles

   [The Math: 9.3mi – (4.9mi + 3.6mi) = 0.8mi; 0.8mi x 20min = 16mins; 16 mins of exercise/physical activity]

E-Boogie & Big Meek (on tha Block) are still rocking and running with me! This weekend, they were due for an 8k.

Big fun at #ClubElkGrove

…and then there’s me, over here kee’kee’n to myself, but honestly, everything is funny to me. I was on the phone with my child that I didn’t birth in Tennessee (who lives in Georgia right now and is pregnant #GrandbabyNumbah2, #ColeyColeHadGBabyNumbahOne) and we were having a very special mommie–daughter moment which was quickly interrupted with my text, R.I.P. to yo’ sleep tho reminding her that soon, she’ll have bags under her eyes caring for her baby girl. She went from crying (out of love and affection) to having the tears fall away into laughs. And there you find me. Laughing in, joking through, giggling because, of everything. Laughing, like running, has been therapy. I am thankful that as serious as life gets, I tend not to see it that way. Even the hard stuff, with a little time, transforms itself into a smile, and eventually some with some percentage of humor to it.

I thought, this week, to fill the posts with running jokes, kinda like the way E-Boogie made us laugh with the madness of running… But nothing compares to the HUMOR that was Saturday night! If you have ever helped a person from a generation prior to yours, understand the technology of the day (no shade, cause i’ve been that previous generation person HELLA times), then you know what it was like watching Take 1 of #VERZUZ, Teddy Riley vs Babyface. Babyface took Teddy out in three rounds with a nokia phone, dial-up internet, and 1st generation headphones, yall. I live to achieve the levels of unbotherdness of Kenny! Black people and Black Twitter will always, and forever, be undefeated! #MastersOfTheUniverseOfJokes

Get ready for #VERZUZ Take 2 tonight, Teddy Riley vs Babyface! 5:00pm PST! I hope that it not only inspires more jokes, but that it connects us back to music that we loved, memories we had connected to those tunes, and gets us up and moving!

This week is all about INSPIRATION! Whoever, Wherever, Whatever inspires you, I hope you find some gratitude for it! LOL #seewhatididthere? #nerd

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Cookies. [still] Ruling. Er'Thang. Around. Me. #ThanksHilton #SupervisionSuggested

Hilton: Sis, we saw on the innanets that you’re trying to glow up your baking skills, that’s what’s up! We proud of you!

Me: Yeah… Since I can’t go nowhere, and y’all just out here canceling people’s hotel confirmations like that, I figured I needed to do something with this free time. I mean, I’m not mad at y’all #COVID-19, but I’m bitter I can’t go nowhere.

Speaking of… We appreciate you not writing us one of those strongly worded letters about that cancellation. And just for that, we got something for you. Look at that right there...

Wait. This not what I think it is?


Yassssss! Yall did this for me? I can’t believe this. Just for lil’ol’me?

I mean, it’s like all over the innanets, or whatever, but yeah…it’s just for you. I guess. *shrug*

LET’S BAKE!!!!!!! Hilton DoubleTree warm Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Step One: Cream butter, sugar and brown sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer on medium speed for about 2 minutes. 

Hey, soooooo, what’s a stand mixer?

Sis… *face palm* We thought you were baking? How you don’t have a stand mixer?

Uh, *shrug* ‘Cause I don’t know what that is?

What’s that over there?

It’s a hand mixing thing with those two spinning attachment things.

Just use that and get a bowl. We gon’ be here all day. Shoulda neva gave you this recipe.

Also, what type of cream should this look like? Butter cream? Sour cream? Cream of wheat? What am I aspiring towards?


Step Two: Add eggs, vanilla and lemon juice, blending with mixer on low speed for 30 seconds, then medium speed for about 2 minutes, or until light and fluffy, scraping down bowl. 

Lemon juice in cookie batter? What kind of nonsense is this?

*side eye* But you ate the cookies though? You got a lot of questions for someone who eats like three of these cookies per day per stay. #WeBeenWatchingYou

Wow, fam. Like that? It’s just the ‘hot dog’ effect…

Just. Like. That. Now what’s the next step? Wait… The what?

You know, once you learned what hot dogs were made of, you had more questions – or concerns…

Whew, chile… *shakes head*

Step Three: With mixer on low speed, add flour, oats, baking soda, salt and cinnamon, blending for about 45 seconds. Don’t overmix.  

Okay, so about the oats. The recipe had said get rolled oats but the grocery store only had steel oats and these quick Quaker oats. Since the Quaker container had quick on it, I figured that was better than steel, so I got these. What you think?

We think, you think too much. Just… You know what… Just throw’em in there. *deep ancestral sigh*

Aye, you know, I always wondered if recipes really meant pinch the herbs or whatever and throw it in. Does a pinch really make a difference? Also, since this is the Era of COVID-19, I’mma just spinkle a lil’ cinnamon. I don’t wanna accidentally cross contaminate anything.

*turns and walks out of the kitchen* *looks for wine rack*

Step Four: Remove bowl from mixer and stir in chocolate chips and walnuts.

Okay, so I know you’re gonna get mad, but let me tell you. The store only had these mini chocolate chips. And well, there weren’t any walnuts, so I got pecans. The chocolate chips are semi-sweet though, soooo…

It’s your world, Love. I’m just here so I won’t get fined…for being outside…because of the whole, you know, Shelter-In-Place thing. *sips wine*

Step Five: Portion dough with a scoop (about 3 tablespoons) onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper about 2 inches apart.

Wait a minute! You know what parchment paper is? You own a whole roll of it, and you got tripped up at stand mixer. Help me understand this! *arms outstretched*

Oh, yeah, about that. I thought it was foil. I grabbed the wrong thing. I saw a package in Italian, and I was trying to figure out the translation by comparing the packaging to the other stuff in the aisle and got distracted.

What does it say about me that your explanation makes complete sense to me and is not shocking or surprising at all? *sips more wine*

Step Six: Preheat oven to 300°F. Bake for 20 to 23 minutes, or until edges are golden brown and center is still soft. 

I can’t believe it! I did it! They’re in the oven, there’s baking happening in there! I’m so excited!

I can’t believe it either. Honestly and truly. *pulls blanket over legs and turns back towards the television*

Step Seven: Remove from oven and cool on baking sheet for about 1 hour.
This was awesome! And, while they don’t exactly taste like yours, they’re still pretty good.

*tastes cookie* You had a praying Grandmother, didn’t you? *smirks* I’m impressed!

Soooo, what are we baking next?

*sips wine* *pulls blanket over rest of body*

If you get the chance, give the Hilton Double Tree (warm) Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe a try! You might have to go to a few different stores to get all the ingredients you need, but it will be well worth it! Oh, and get you some vanilla ice cream too!

You’re welcome.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Got Hope? #ItsUnCanceledToo

We ran on HOPE this week folks! Which, well, isn’t all too different from what I am (we are) usually running on. Hoping you finish your scheduled miles. Hoping you don’t injure yourself, or in my case, get lost AND injure yourself. Hoping there’s a bathroom on the route (clean and sanitary please! …doesn’t that have new meaning now?). Hoping that you’ve trained well enough, or that your training has gone well enough to make it across the finish line. Sure, some of us are more certain, more assured, than others. But you’d be crazy to think that the hopefulness was somehow, fully abandoned.

Well, for us serious athletes who are exemplars among the running community (of our friends who aren’t serious or athletes at all, because also we’re not those things either) we planned to Un-Cancel a 5k for Easter! E-Boogie dubbed our 5k the (water to) Wine and Resurrection Run, and well, that suits us just fine. E-Boogie was insistent that we (her, me, and Big Meek) get our run in before Noon, PST. While Big Meek and I grumbled at the idea of waking before the sun, we lamented because we love E-Boogie so much (or because we were drinking). As accountability, E-Boogie suggested that anyone who didn’t finish their 5k by Noon PST, would have to Instacart the others a bottle of booze/spirits – in addition too, of course, completing their 5k.

Before ending our Houseparty, (E-Boogie, Big Meek, & I) I hoped, sincerely, that one of us would not finish the 5k by Noon PST because, who doesn’t want wine Instacart’d to their home? Duh. They hoped the same thing too. We dont need your judgement.

This week I Un-Canceled HOPE with a 10k & a 5k! Unfortunately, I ran and walked all my miles, so I didn’t get to do math. *insert tears here* Also, I ran/walked more than I was supposed to, so I get like, change back!

10k = 6.2 miles

Running: 5.62 miles
Walking: 1 mile

   [The Math (should have been): 6.2mi – 5.62mi = 0.58mi; 0.58mi x 20min = 11.6mins; round up to 12 mins of exercise/physical activity]

5k = 3.1 miles
Running: 4.00 miles

   [The Lesson? You don’t get to do Math when you overachieve, even if on accident]

Post running reflections on HOPE:

Big Meek (on tha Block) Says… HOPE. A lack of it is what I’d been feeling lately, in this TOUCH–less, HUG–less, PRO–Social Distance world I’ve now found myself... Though I’d been running, lately it felt much less purposeful... When encouraged to participate in the Un-Canceled Project, it was just the motivation I needed... I think... Well, I HOPE. This in many ways has reminded me of what is both in and out of my control. My running time might not have been where I wanted, but I got out there and ran with purpose... Maybe there is some HOPE after all.

E-Boogie Says… As I sit here trying to remember what HOPE feels like, I’ve got a sharp pain in my right knee. I ran 4 miles, even though I was only asked to run 3.1 (overachiever) and now I’m paying for it. I’ve always loved running and was excited about this challenge, however, over the past year I’ve decreased my miles to give my trusty knee a break. During these difficult times, alternative workout methods are limited and as hopeful as I am that this COVID-19 chaos will end soon, it is imperative that I have coping skills to get through this. Running is my coping skill. Running will give me the fuel I need to continue working in a healthcare setting. Running is my outlet ensuring my mental health is intact when the world around me is sinking. But really, all of this is based on hope, faith, and trust in something bigger than me; than us.

I Say… I hope I find more that motivates me during this time. I was going to get my 5k in on Easter, Instacart’d threat or not, but I felt real motivation, real connection to the idea that I would be running, virtually, with two of my faves #TemeculaTime #TheGoatAndVine. There was something, other than my intrinsic determination to fully embrace the Un-Canceled Project that got me up at 5:00am to do my 5k. Truth be told, I didn’t sleep well (much) the night before. Getting up to run felt easy. I was home frying bacon and prepping my baking for the day before E-Boogie or Big Meek met the pavement – and believe me, that’s an Easter miracle too #YayJesusTho #YoursWasBigger.

I have other hopes, very selfishly, very for me (like hoping I still get that Instacart’d blessing and hoping America stops treating Asians people like trash, and, well that China stops treating Africans/Blacks like trash in all this COVID-19 unrest, cause my lil’sis is in China and I’m anxious, and nervous, and restless…). But I’d rather share my hopes for all of you, for all of us. I hope you learn how to connect socially, as we continue living our physically distant lives. There’s gotta be a way we can hug online, right? I hope that world heals, and we come out of this with the same care, concern, and attention to each other that we must do now. Cause reaching out and loving on your loved ones these days seems to require more intentionality than it did before, hunh?

All these hopes feel a little like prayers, don’t they? I hope we do more of that too.

HUMOR is up next! Let’s see about finding some fun while you run (or exercise) …safely…and physically distant(ly)!

Still need to sign up to Un-Cancel some of your feelings? Click Here! It’s free and it’s fun!