Monday, April 20, 2020

Much Ado About Humor… #Yup #UnCanceled

We are on a roll (run) folks! What have we accomplished so far?

Well, Gratitude? Done. Then there was Hope. Got it. And this week, we un-canceled HUMOR, and it is right on time. It’s like Teddy Riley knew I needed to end this race week with a laugh, because yall have SENT ME with these memes, and tweets, and comments during the IG Live! Let me tell you, I. STAN. for each and every one of you. I’m not sure if I burned more calories during Saturday’s 15k or while watching the #VERZUZ that wasn’t Teddy Riley v Babyface unfold!

Anyway, you have my laughs and my thanks. And I offer in return this week’s race re-cap and HUMOR(ous) reflections!


10k = 6.2 miles
Running: 4.20 miles
Exercising: 40mins/2.0 miles

   [The Math: 6.2mi – 4.2mi = 2.0mi; 2.0mi x 20min = 40mins; 40 mins of exercise/ physical activity]

8k = 4.97 miles
Running: 4.02 miles
Exercising: 19mins/0.95 miles

   [The Math: 4.97mi – 4.02mi = 0.95mi; 0.95mi x 20min = 19mins; 19 mins of exercise/ physical activity]

3k = 3.1 miles
Running: 1.38 miles
Exercising: 35mins/1.72 miles

   [The Math: 3.1mi – 1.38mi = 1.72mi; 1.72mi x 20min = 34.4mins; 34.4 rounded up to 35 mins of exercise/physical activity]

Here's that 3.6 mi courtesy of my ZOOM Group Run!

15k = 9.3 miles
Running (outdoor): 4.9 miles
Running (treadmill): 3.6 miles
Exercising: 16mins/0.8 miles

   [The Math: 9.3mi – (4.9mi + 3.6mi) = 0.8mi; 0.8mi x 20min = 16mins; 16 mins of exercise/physical activity]

E-Boogie & Big Meek (on tha Block) are still rocking and running with me! This weekend, they were due for an 8k.

Big fun at #ClubElkGrove

…and then there’s me, over here kee’kee’n to myself, but honestly, everything is funny to me. I was on the phone with my child that I didn’t birth in Tennessee (who lives in Georgia right now and is pregnant #GrandbabyNumbah2, #ColeyColeHadGBabyNumbahOne) and we were having a very special mommie–daughter moment which was quickly interrupted with my text, R.I.P. to yo’ sleep tho reminding her that soon, she’ll have bags under her eyes caring for her baby girl. She went from crying (out of love and affection) to having the tears fall away into laughs. And there you find me. Laughing in, joking through, giggling because, of everything. Laughing, like running, has been therapy. I am thankful that as serious as life gets, I tend not to see it that way. Even the hard stuff, with a little time, transforms itself into a smile, and eventually some with some percentage of humor to it.

I thought, this week, to fill the posts with running jokes, kinda like the way E-Boogie made us laugh with the madness of running… But nothing compares to the HUMOR that was Saturday night! If you have ever helped a person from a generation prior to yours, understand the technology of the day (no shade, cause i’ve been that previous generation person HELLA times), then you know what it was like watching Take 1 of #VERZUZ, Teddy Riley vs Babyface. Babyface took Teddy out in three rounds with a nokia phone, dial-up internet, and 1st generation headphones, yall. I live to achieve the levels of unbotherdness of Kenny! Black people and Black Twitter will always, and forever, be undefeated! #MastersOfTheUniverseOfJokes

Get ready for #VERZUZ Take 2 tonight, Teddy Riley vs Babyface! 5:00pm PST! I hope that it not only inspires more jokes, but that it connects us back to music that we loved, memories we had connected to those tunes, and gets us up and moving!

This week is all about INSPIRATION! Whoever, Wherever, Whatever inspires you, I hope you find some gratitude for it! LOL #seewhatididthere? #nerd

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