I didn’t even have a good reason for running
the San José half. Like seriously. I decided very early on in the year that I
wasn’t doing the California Coast
Challenge again, because, like, I already own
California. Running it a 2nd year would be like showing off. And,
let’s face it, I wouldn't show off.
But there is something about a running event
happening in your backyard that pulls you in. It’s the worst kind of peer
pressure, because literally everyone is running – why aren’t you? Sure you’ve
been super busy (read: stressed the complete eFF out at work) and life has kind of been happening to you.
A day of rest is probably the one thing that you need.
But nah. Medals.
Last year around this time, I had the bright
idea to stay on campus because campus is walking distance from the start line.
And, anytime you can walk to the start line, that’s almost like *does advanced calculus, carries the 4* 30 extra minutes of sleep. Sure you didn’t
get those extra 30 minutes last year, but this is a new year, right?
Wrong. See, what had happened was, the
football game was a night game. And I was totally supposed to go to the game.
Because, support. I didn’t actually make it to the game, but somehow I thought
if I stayed up all night watching the game, but from the comfort of a
two-seater, not as comfortable as a bed…couch, that I would be super well
rested in the morning.
I should just not think sometimes.
Start: You know the lovely thing about running. You
can legit sign up to do a running event, and run into someone you know! This is
awesome… *smile for the camera Jay*
Mile 1: I can’t believe I acted all outside my mind
at that Race Expo for this. I’m so sleepy Jesus.
Mile 2: Did I fix my Fantasy Football line up? I’m
pretty sure I did. Right? No?? Maybe?!?! FAWK!
Mile 3: Here come the battalion of little children
running like they have no worries. Because, they don’t. Like this is the only
thing they’re worried about right now. And really, they’re not worried. They’re
having fun. #TheDarkConOfGrowingOlder
Mile 4: Is all this running worth the wine I give
up? I mean, I still drink it, but not like I would if I didn’t have to run. I
don’t think it’s worth it at all. I should figure it out… *starts doing the math*
Mile 5: C’mon! Positive Energy! You can do this. You
can also turn at the 10k loop. #JustSayin
Mile 6: I was about to lie to myself and say I feel
good. But it’s Sunday. This sucks.
Mile 7: I seriously don’t want to do this anymore.
Not like fake serious like I am other times. Like really effing serious! I
should have turned around at the 10K loop!
Mile 8: This little old lady won’t let me be great.
Like not at all. She’s pacing me like, eff
yo run…i got a least 50 years on you and you look like you’re about to die fast walking next to me. #HellaRude
Mile 9: Lord Jesus be a medical aid tent. Or one of
those dudes on a bike. When you said something about a fire being shut up in my
bones, did it have to be today, and have to be my knee??
Mile 10: Did I take that dress back to Banana
Republic? It’s soooo cute. I totally need the belt or it’s just not gonna work.
Wait, didn’t I just go through this yesterday? #5k #Mile3 #ImLosingMyMind
Mile 11: Seriously? Did everyone get a memo with my
picture on it like, if you see her, beat her…I’m like EVERYBODY’s Pacer! Yo…I’m not that good son! #WellPlayedRnRSJ
Mile 12: I smell cinnamon rolls and bacon. I probably
don’t really smell the bacon. I think my nose just wants to smell it. And
because I smell the cinnamon rolls, bacon pairs well with them, so…*sniff*sniff*
Mile 13: HOW CAN I NOT BE FINISHED YET?!!?!?!!?! #ImNotAngry #OkayALittleAngry
Mile 13(0.1):
I’m not sure I’m going to be able to make that walk back to campus. Why is the
0.1 literally always the hardest mile? And why is she so damn happy cheering
for me???
Finish: Good Grief & Great God it’s over!!!!!!! *internally passes out, but stays conscious
enough to get my medal*
So, I’m hobbling now. Because there is no
point in trying to look good. My knee and my ankle are like, she’ll never run
again! WE. ON. STRIKE! And for the first time, in any running event
ever, I checked myself into the Medial Aid tent. I mean, there is no glory if
you can’t make it to the restaurant for your mimosa, so, let’s wrap this ankle
and knee up in the iciest ice you got homey. Like Antarctica ice.
As I looked at the weary runners and other
body parts abdicating their owners, I see a young, adorable, black man (read: one of my students) smiling back at me.
I should have known
you’d be here! I almost left!!
I’m glad you didn’t it *not here for the reunion* What’s good on some
of that ice tho?
He pulled out a chair for me. Wrapped my knee
and congratulated me on a job well done. It didn’t feel like that. It never
feels like that. I’m not sure if I am ever going to feel great after a run. I’m
looking for something magical, something Narnian almost. I always feel like
everyone else can do so much better than me.

I’d do it all over again.
#15ThingsIn2015 Challenge
5 new states (Louisiana – 1 down, 4 to
go) #iShouldWorkOnThisOne
4 new friends (OldieButNewbie
#RunningHubby; My Child; WickedWineRunCrew (6 people!) – 8 down, -2 to go)
3 new running events (Shamrock Half; St
Charles Road Race; Orange County Half; Wicked Wine Run – 4 down, -1 to go)
2 back-to-back running events (Rock N
Roll San Jose 5K & Half – 1, 1 to go)
1 Half Marathon PR (Rock N Roll San Diego! 6
minutes! – 1 down, 0 to go)
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