keep telling myself that I’m going to stop doing all these repeat running
events. But there is something to being hella loyal, and
well, you know me. Of course I had to make it back for Rock N Roll
San Jose! I mean, I live like a handful of miles away. I
can walk to the starting line from my friend’s place. So, yea, I’m totally
going to do that. Again.
I totally do these events like all the time, so basically they are expecting me
to be there, right? It’s like, they roll out a special purple carpet for me
because this GirlieGurl is
definitely going to grace this running event with her presence, right?
*enter the expo*
Well, that’s weird. There are two races, and I only
have one race bib number. Surely someone just got things mixed up. Surely. I’ll
just go to the Solutions booth and get this worked out.
*waiting in line*
Hi, can I
help you?
Yes. I was trying to get my race bib numbers, and there
was only one coming up. Can you get me the race bib number for the other event?
I’ll take a
look. *goes into the Matrix* Well,
actually we only have you registered for one event.
Wheetttt? *surely you
must recognize me, there has to be some mistake…did you not see the
processional?* Um, there are
two races. Why would I just sign up for one?
The person
next to me can check into this for you. She can see more stuff that I can.
*waiting for the next person*
Yes. The woman next to you said that I was only
registered for one event this weekend.
*looks into the Matrix* Yes, I see
you are a tour pass holder. You’re registered for the 5K and you registered for
the Half in San Diego and Las Vegas.”
Uh…and San Jose.
I don’t see
that here. I see that you have another tour pass registration to use.
Well, I register for these things all the time. I
literally pay for other people to run these events without them knowing, so um,
why in the world would I not *make sure I’m getting
all my medals*
register myself?
We can
totally get you registered today. If you take this card to the registration
booth, they’ll get you registered for the Half.
better…or this will be the 10th and final year of this event
homey…ask about me in these streets*
it was actually more dramatic than it seems. Like for real. You know I am a
snob about my running. And yes, while everything was taking care of, this was
the year of bacon themed race bibs…so that awesome bacon name I came up with is
forever lost.
you cannot replace that. #PRandBacon
#NeverForgetSanDiego #iWasGreat
so the 5K…
Start: Okay, let’s get this
money. I mean medal. I’m hungry.
I’m glad I stretched. Cause that would have hurt if I didn’t get that good
stretch in. #iDidntStretchWellOrMuchAtAll
#iHurt #ForReal #ItsNotAnApp
Good thing you’re almost done and you’re not running anymore this weekend.
Because you didn’t almost show your entire arse in the Expo trying to get
registered for a Half Marathon the next day. #YouDid
#YouCouldHaveSleptIn #ButYoullBeBackHereRunning #YoureSoSmart
I need to take that dress back to Banana Republic. Or see if they can replace
the belt. How did I buy that super cute dress and not get the belt? It came
with a belt? It was there when I tried it on? What happened to the belt?
Mile 3(0.1): I’m going to need that beer. I think I just used my last
Finish: Bruh. -_-
do not know how people stay so committed to their training over the summer. I
mean c’mon, the sun is out! Sun dresses have been collecting dust ALL the other
seasons long. I mean, it seems almost criminal not to, well…you know, live it
another summer of limited running and training. I mean, sure I got the Wine Run
in, but let’s face it…wine.

happens to have a brother who is a running rockstar!
Like, accomplished like none other. You know, the guy that helped me to figure
out the winning in
running?! Yea, that dude.
was also the dude that took our group usie.
no matter how famous you get, that sibling connection trumps all medals. You
could be the person to cure cancer *hey,
totally do that*…and
your sibling could have you, minutes later, doing their laundry…because ‘member when you
came in the house past curfew and you scratch the car?
that medal ain’t saving you from Mama so…. what angle you want this usie? … fluff and
fold, right?
#15ThingsIn2015 Challenge
5 new states (Louisiana – 1 down, 4 to go)
4 new friends (OldieButNewbie #RunningHubby; My Child;
WickedWineRunCrew (6 people!) – 8 down, -2 to go)
3 new running events (Shamrock Half; St Charles Road Race;
Orange County Half; Wicked Wine Run – 4 down, -1 to go)
2 back-to-back running events (Rock N Roll San Jose 5K &
Half – 1/2 down, 1.5 to go)
1 Half Marathon PR (Rock N Roll San Diego! 6 minutes! – 1 down,
0 to go)
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