Tuesday, October 7, 2014

This Is The Remix, #Race12Medal11

I’m only doing this race because it’s a 5K… We will just call those famous last words. Because that really was the only reason I signed up for the race.

That’s also a lie. Um, there was a challenge medal involved and I decided that I wanted that challenge medal more than anything, even though, I had not seen said challenge medal, and this was the first year of such an event.

I go crazy for the bling. Half crazy. Full insane.

This was an interesting experience at the race expo. If you’ve ever done a Rock n Roll series event, then no matter the city, the experience is typically the same. There are large bulletin boards with names and bib numbers. Stations for you to complete running waivers. A specific entrance into (and out of) the expo. Race tee and swag bag pick up #tearsoffshirttabfromracebib. And then the Expo! Free stuff. Merchandise for purchase. Vendors. Giveaways. This super cute guy at the Alaska Airlines booth #ishouldhavesaidsomething! You know. Same ol’ same ol’…

But not really. Because when I went to the bulletin board to find out my bib number, I noticed that my name was there twice. Same name, 2 bib numbers. Well isn’t that odd? #ItWasnt #ISignedUpFor2Events #ActingHellaBrandNew. I expected everything to be the same about this experience that was nothing like anything I had done before. On a Saturday, I was running at 5K. Then I was going to go home, go to sleep, wake up, and return. To run a Half Marathon. And when you do that, you can’t write in the different bib numbers on the same form. You have to complete 2 separate forms, wait in 2 different lines, show your ID to 2 individuals, and get a race tee and swag bags from both stations.

Because you’re signed up for 2 races. #ChallengeOn

Race Day: This was a dumb idea. I pick the day I have THE MOST going on to run. I’m literally like the smartest person I know… Hold Up?! Is this parking space literally around the corner from the Start Line? #WontHeDoIt #PraiseDance #QuickNapSinceIGotAllThisFreeTime

Start Line: It’s 3.1 miles. You need to make this happen as quickly as possible. You have a completely full day today. Your cousin is getting married.

Mile 1: What time is it?

Mile 2: I should consider moving faster.

Mile 3: This was stupid. And it’s hot out here? It can’t be October.

Mile 3(0.1): *turning the corner* Someone definitely moved the Finish Line. How can I not be finished yet Lord?

Finish Line: Oh, this medal is nice?! All this for a 5K? Yasssss! I wonder if this will match my dress. For. The. Wedding. OMG. Why. Am. I. Still. Here? *eats banana while pondering that*

And when I got my life and realized that I had to get back to my car, shower, get dressed, and make it to my Uncle’s to head to my Cousin’s wedding, I moved with a purpose. I actually ran…just a little. If you know my Uncle then you know that while he is super sweet and will move mountains for his nieces, when he says be somewhere, you be there, on time.

I stuffed my achievements and my boobies into the cutest dress so I could spend the afternoon in the sauna otherwise known at San Ramon. It was so hot out there. I watched my cousin vow to his love, and his love return the vows in kind. It was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

Then I stood up. And realized that I ran super hard on the San Jose city streets just hours ago, did not a single stretch, unless you count that sprint up and down the stairs, and I have been walking around in 5 inch steve madden peep toes.

Everything about my feet hurts. And now they’re playing the wobble.

I will long live to regret this. I’m sure of it. 
#itwasthewobbletho #TURNUP #andtheysteppin #andthecupidshuffle #andmichaeljackson #dammit

This Race: Rock N Roll San Jose, 5K, San Jose CA
Medaled Miles to date: 54.37 miles
Total Raced Miles to date: 67.47 miles 
3 Medals To Go ǁ 76% Complete

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