Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Walking Shoes.... On.

I'm a #CaliKid. Flip flops ARE walking shoes.
So there are times when I go for a walk. I know what you’re thinking – it’s a walk, but it’s for a run, so it’s really a variation of a run because there’s a race. Newsflash: There is always a next race... Most times, you’d be spot on if you saw me out in the streets. But every so often, I wander around the world in walking shoes (that were once running shoes).

Naw, scratch that. I wasn't that introspective. See, what had happened was, I went to the gas station, and well, the price of gas made me think about some things. Like, why would one drive to the store when it's less than a mile away and you're not in a hurry? When, not months ago, you paid someone what it cost to fill your gas tank (maybe a lil more) to run on that same exact street. Yeah, maybe you should walk to the store once...or more. So, I walk now, on occasion, to bring some balance back to my life and my checkbook.

The last two times I was out walking, cars driving by stopped me, to ask if I needed a ride. I did not know the driver, and was shocked at the gesture. I had to pull my earbuds out to make sure I heard what I read their lips saying. One time was a week day during commuting traffic. Who stops in that? The second was an early weekday morning, just before commuting traffic. I say again, who stops in that?

Black Women.

Both drivers asked if I was okay and if I needed a ride. I smiled and share that I was walking on purpose. Both gave me the you sure you not in danger, girl eye, but smiled and continued on their commute. Nobody walks during commuting hours on purpose. You could see it in the wave of their hands gesturing me to the empty front passenger seat. You know you wanna get in the A/C girl…it’s hot outside! You realize we can CARpool, in this here CAR. Anybody else stopping to ask me if I needed a ride, I would have felt some kind of creepy way. But them?

Made the walk all the merrier. I am relearning to love my city post-gentrifiers. I mean, there’s more of it to gentrify, which they’ll get too soon, but the real damage is done. It started long before the IKEA arrived. When Ravenswood High School closed, that was the real beginning of our end. But that’s a conversation for another time. The truth is, I really don’t feel all that warm and fuzzy when I lace up my running and/or walking shoes and pound (and/or pitty pat) the pavement these days. The street signs are the same, but the signs of life have changed.

I got a reprieve from those thoughts though during these two walks. That’s usually what’s running through my mind – where in the world am I? Could it be? I stayed away too long... In those specifically beautiful instances, I got a glimpse of the home I knew and walked around in it a little longer than I planned.

Also, I love Black Women. It's nice to know that we're not too busy trying to save this dying world to save each other.

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