Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Committed Girl’s Guide To: Keeping Your Single Friend Sane, #Kinda

They shop together too. #RideOrDie #FoLifeAndAfterlife
A friend inquired of selected women living single for their wisdom on a matter. On a matter in which they have the intellectual rights and insanity.

Singledoom(dom)(whatever, yo).

She was trying to figure just why a single woman chooses (my interpretation, not her word) against active dating and other forms of the proverbial putting one’s self out there. Why would single woman do all the things to, well, stay single. One answer is obvious: She wants to be single.

But the second one is the more accurate response of the sample of single women from which I pulled none of this empirical data: She doesn’t know.

She has some suspicions because, well, she’s been herself for her entire life, but most single women cannot really pinpoint it, or answer that question in a way that takes the sting, the shock, the stun out of it. Because when the conversation is over, you’re going home to your commitment, and she’s going home to her, um…darkchocolate.

I did not realize the real answer to my friend’s inquiry until I wrote it. It paused my heart a spell. Most single women spend a good portion of their mental and physical energy defending their Singledoom(dom) (whatever, yo), to the point where, one might suffocate from the lack of air.

Most committed people with single friends cannot understand the lack of attachment because their friend is great – stunningly so. And the lack of attachment stuns the friend so.

In the event you have an amazing friend who’s single, here are five (5) things you can do to un-single her. #kinda #sorta #Well,OnWednesdaysAtHappyHourForSure

STOP: Checking In With “Him”

You wanna know why this annoys me so? Not because there is a …him… in my phone that I’m 99.9% over with…it’s because THERE IS A …him… LITERALLY IN MY PHONE THAT I’M 0.01% NOT OVER WITH! OMG! And here you go: I need to call “him” and let’em know I’m going to be late. Oh, I told “him” that I’d pick up his dry cleaning, can we make a stop. Gurl, you won’t believe what he said to me last night after we said our prayers together cause that’s what we do…

Listen, I am literally always one …him… away from a mental breakdown. Don’t be the reason I jump off the cliff into the abyss of Singledoom(dom) (WHATEVA, YO!). I know you got a man. I saw the vacation pictures, they were beautiful! I was five pews behind yall in Church last Sunday because I got there late and my favorite seat was gone. I saw him two cars up holding up in the line at Chick-Fil-A with your complicated order…that made me late to work. I’m your friend, I love you, and I am going to celebrate every happy moment of your relationship with you, because I love you. But I ain’t got nobody but me and these expensive ass shoes I spend my money on. So can we celebrate that sometimes too? #NoYouCantWearThem #Size10

START: Planning Events With Her, Regularly

I have mourned the loss of dear friends to relationships. And when they got married I thought I would spend more time with them. Then they had babies. And I had to let those friendships go, and remake them into something else. Because they have children, and I’m a godmother/auntie/overall bad example now, and committed people hang out with other forms of committed people. And coming by unannounced with a hangover is frowned upon. And hurts.

I own what I did and didn’t do in the maintenance (or lack of) those relationships. And I harbor no ill will. I did what I thought was right, and stepped aside un-begrudgingly. It seemed the classy thing to do, to not vie for the attention. To accept the time would have to be divided between a ring and a uterus – without giving said friend a choice in the matter. I chose for them.

Meet your single friend halfway. Commit to her with your time by doing what you do in your relationship and with your children, if you got the lil tax write-offs bundles of joy. Give her a day, a reoccurring event, a special time of the year, something she can count on from you. That you will commit to, that will be hers, and hers alone. She’ll cherish it. If you suggest it, she’ll probably plan it, and use that disposable income on it! Oftentimes this is left for the single friend to do. Why? Because she’s single. No kids and no man leaves all the time in the world to coordinate such things, right? Mostly, but my dates with depression Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked sometimes run over…so there’s that.

Quit Announcing That You’re Taken

We are happy for you. Really, we are. So much so, we’ve still decided to be your friend even though you’ve attached yourself to someone else. And we have taken this thing a step further and gone out to a social gathering with you. Do us a favor, keep your “boo thang” to yourself!

Look, your single friend is dealing with some real issues. She is probably in the minority if she’s out with you somewhere. If she’s me, she’s usually the only one with no viable “situation” to even lie about long enough to make it through the night. So when that attractive man bravely approaches the group, give her a chance to at least think she can be great, mmkay?

Yes, how rude of him. He came all the way over here and he couldn’t pick out the ONE single friend in the hoard of women. Yea, she probably she should have went out somewhere on her own to actively meet a man, but she’s trying to spend some quality time with her girlfriends and he walked over here anyway, to NOT ask her for her number.

…and what do you do? Announce to the entire room that you gotta man! You know, I finally realized why they wrote that damn song. Your man ain’t got nothing to do with him right now. Your man is getting in the way of you redirecting the conversation to your single friend in a way that has this man thinking SHE was the person he came over here to talk to.

You just selfish.

Send Her Some Mail.

If life doesn’t insult the single woman enough, it sure as hell remembers to injure her weekly. I have moved five (5) times in my adult life. And I have received wedding invitations and birth announcements to every single one of those addresses. My ring finger and my uterus are both bare. And one day, if the Lord says something about it, that will change.

But the mailman came today. And he brought me bills, bills, bills. And the invitation to your wedding. That I will send the RSVP back to, without a +1 because well, I’m just 1.

Help her out! Send her a card. A small token of love. A sign of appreciation for her listening to your relationship highs and lows (which she does because she loves you, and you do the same). Something that will remind her of the day you both became friends. It might just save her night.

…and whatever you do, don’t sign it from us! Send her something FROM YOU!

Accept It.

She has not accepted it, perhaps. But you can. You are in a good (decent? balanced? okay?) place in your life, with your relationship, and all the wonderful beings genetics helped you to create. She might be there. She might be underneath the bottle of wine you gifted her. Either way, she needs to know that you love her, just as she is; and most importantly that her being single isn’t indicative of anything but that.

She’s Single. She’s not dead or unattractive. She might actually be ready and open for the potential of commitment and the joys of sharing half the bed with something other than a hoard of pillows. #ThisIsNotMyLife #StopLookingAtMe

But you don’t work for eHarmony or Paul C. Brunson. So accept it. And buy the first round at Happy Hour.
I have spent the better (or otherwise) part of my adult life as single. I wrestle with that fact most days. I have quieted the voices in my life that tell me I am such a wonderful person and cannot understand how life could so cruelly leave me alone. I am waiting for them to return to me with loving acceptance that this is who we are, and that's okay.

I did try the duo thing. A few times. I did my best. I messed up though. I made mistakes. Assumed when I should have just asked. Spoke when I should have quieted myself with the silence in my mind. Not forgiven so quickly. Been more grateful for the moment. Took less pictures. I believed in things that weren’t real. Questioned the right things for the wrong reasons. Held on not so tight. And I should have kept every one of those songs I loved to myself. It all happened anyhow.

And I’m here. Just a “1”. And your friend is too. Waiting for a person who used to make her a “2”. That was you.

It is not your fault that she’s single anymore than it’s her fault that you’re not. Neither of you can do anything about the other. Just don’t make her defend her just one status. If you only get one thing right, let it be that. 

…and the drink order. Get that right.

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