Wednesday, September 17, 2014

71% Complete and 7 Medals To Go. Wait. What?

When Alicia maKeykey, Dr. Splits on Trees and I set out to do this here running thing, I had no idea what it would look like, or what I would be like coming to the end of the year. I mean, honestly, I only thought this was possible in theory. Not so much that a person could achieve such a feat, but that I could be that person to achieve it. And though race after race happened, and I changed the color of the text from black to green on the calendar, I was not convinced. I was not persuaded. But, time just kept on passing me by all that same. And races. And medals. And paychecks. But I’m in the 4th Quarter, and I am finding my inner Jordan. It's 1992.

Well, the end of the year sucks because quite frankly I’m not sure I like myself, and I want my goals to be as difficult as humanly possible to obtain. With that being said, I am officially signed up for six (6) more races. Four (4) of them are next month.

…on back-to-back days. Because I haven’t done this before at all (see THIS and that THAT, to have that last line made null and void), and I totally believe that running back-to-back events is good for you. Yeah. That.

See? I need counseling.

So I didn’t mean to do it. I Promise. I Swear. It’s just that when I see medals I have delusions of grandeur, and I’m like the greatest person you know, so I HAVE TO DO IT NO MATTER THE HUMAN, MATERIAL, OR FINANCIAL COST. I have to run. I need medals. I need them to survive.

Wait, I don’t need counseling. This is totally normal behavior. For a runner.

Okay, so hell is the month of October. And it’s marked by the following running events (not even counting Halloween):

1.    Rock n Roll San Jose 5K (Saturday) – 1st race in the SJ Remix Challenge

2.    Rock n Roll San Jose Half Marathon (the next Sunday) – the 2nd race in the #IRunTheCoastChallenge & the 2nd race completing the SJ Remix Challenge *additional challenge medal earned

3.      Let’s Go 510K (a Saturday later in the month) – the 3rd race completing the #IRunTheBayChallenge *additional challenge medal earned

4.    Rock n Roll Los Angeles Half Marathon (Sunday, in Los Angeles, as in I have to get on an airplane after I run a 10K and get my challenge medal to prepare to run 13.1 miles with my BabyMama the next day) – the 3rd race in the #IRunTheCoastChallenge *additional challenge medal earned #HeavyMedalist

There’s that. …and then there’s November.

1.    Rock n Roll Las Vegas 5K (Saturday night) – 1st race in the LV Remix Challenge

2.    Rock n Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon (that next Sunday night) – the 2nd race completing the LV Remix Challenge *additional challenge medal earned

I mean, there’s Thanksgiving, I might love medals, but I NEED my dressing #NotStuffing #ItsDifferent #TrustMeImARunner&HolidayEater, and ham and other delicious life sustaining foods. I ain’t got time to be running when there are collard greens that need’a cookin!

So, December comes along and…

…I don’t have a single race scheduled. Mostly because I cannot decide what race I want to end this epic #14in2014 experience with. It’s got to mean something so this year means something to me when my ovaries finally do something useful besides remind me they are here once a month (I HEARD AND FELT YOU CLEARLY! Grrrrr!) and scramble one of my eggs with my somebody son’s genetic material. That thing we create in my uterus will need to know how this ended. And that story will need to be great.

…and you still have time to be part of my greatness. You can still run with me. You can start. You can finish. Just like I did in January. And, every month after that. Except July, August & September. #ItWasHotInTheBay #ThenIGotLazy #AndAllUpInMyFeelings #ohAndAYearCuter(Older) #andThenTheSemesterStarted

Just like what I’ll be come December.

This is perfectly normal behavior.

*still in my feelings* The 4th Quarter is going to be amazing. It always is. And, it's always the beginning of the end. I think I planned for evey contingency except for this ending. *le sigh*


  1. Lol! Not Dr. Splits on Trees!!
    Make the last race for the 14in14 a great one! Maybe I'll complete it with you!

    1. Yes, that's her name! .....I will find us a good holiday themed race...or maybe a trip?! #decisionsdecisions Well, it won't be a villa since you did that already... #ImNotBitter #OkayALittleBitter lol
