Wednesday, May 21, 2014

It's Just 5 Miles?! No Big: #Race8Medal7

Don’t worry, I’m not trying to save space on the blog, or cheat yall out of my amazing posts. It just so happens that I have really awesome dumb ideas…like running two events in the same weekend, because well, medals are awesome…and I really wanna see what this “2 Chainz” life is all about. So I get really busy and run out of time to you (...and I'll totally be doing this again in know, 2 races, same weekend...because I'm smart...)

#Race8Medal7 was an awesome event! We Souled, We Strolled, We did it for our health. Participants had the option of doing 1 mile, 3 miles, or 5 miles. And I went to UCLA so you know I’m about that overachieving life, right?

Really though, Soul Stroll 2014 was a great event. Good job folks over at the African American Community Health Advisory Committee.  And though I did not get to take a picture with Laila Ali, I did get to see African American folks of all ages engaged in conversations and activities about their health!

I talked encouraged suggested convinced forced some friends to do this event with me. I mean, what’s the glory of running if you aren’t doing it with others, right? Exactly. And as such, we schlepped the tons of free goodies and snacks we got that the health fair 5 miles around Coyote Point Park.

START: Awww, lookie at the balloon arch! How cute!

Mile 1 (sign): Wait, have we already been a mile? Either I’ve gotten fast, or that sign is in the wrong place. #ImFlashNow

Mile 3 (sign): Okay, hold a hell up. Now I might be Flash, but damn that. I know we haven’t been three miles! Aint. No. Way.

*realizes that the signs are markers for the halfway point for the 1 Mile, and 3 Mile distances*

Mile 1.5 (really): Okay, that makes WAAAAAY more sense!

Mile 2.5: I’m glad I came here! Look at all these people happy to be here! People who look just like me.

Mile 3.5: It’s cool. It’s not like I even wanted the sun to come out. Don’t mind us out here.

Mile 4.5: Um…I think we’re going the wrong way.

End: Awwww back to the cute balloon arch. Wait. What’s that he’s holding out? Are. Those. Medals?!?!?!?!?!!? Yassssssssss Father God!

Yep. The kid did something good for her health and she was rewarded with a medal! You might look at it and say, “That’s small…” or “It’s not as big and blingly like your other ones…” and you would be right. But it’s a medal, it’s mine and I earned it! And I’m 5 miles and another medal closer to my goal!

Sounds like a WIN to me!

This Race: 5 miler, Soul Stroll 2014, San Mateo CA
Medaled Miles to date: 37.67 miles

Total Raced Miles to date: 40.77miles
7 Medals To Go ǁ 50% Complete