Friday, June 20, 2014

Always Order Tacos On Tuesday #ItMightEndBadly

Tuesday was not a good day. No Ma'am. No Sir. Not at all.

I woke up late. Missed a morning meeting. Was moving slowly through my entire commute. But, before I crossed the next city limit, I got a message from one of my work colleagues. See, he had been waiting, probably impatiently, for me to get to work so that we could dish. Well, I call it dishing he’d probably just say, catching up or talking. He has just returned from the northeast. RMF left California single, but came back with someone with the same last name. And he just had to tell me all the deets, right?

Right. So… Lunch.

We met at a Mexican restaurant at the border of campus. Literally across the street, but still in downtown, right? And what had the makings of a terrible day, got exponentially better with a hug! His smile. Flash of the ring. Married man glow. It was all there. He even refused to let me treat him…and I wanted to!

As we were talking about all the love and laughter us west coast friends missed out on, a sound was heard. A sound. A noise. A shock so shocking, that instantly, happiness ended. We had to attend to that matter at hand. A second noise, to the window enacted our active shooter training and in a millisecond, we were hiding underneath the table.

I am underneath a table in a Mexican restaurant. I am afraid for my life. A third sound is heard. RMF had made his way behind the counter. I got stuck between the stool and table bolted into the floor. But I wiggled my way, still on the ground, about to shelter behind the counter.

See, the restaurant front is all glass – floor to ceiling.

RMF made sure that I was okay. He grabbed my hand. He drug me near him. He looked me square in my eye, and with a certainty almost like my Daddie’s, tells me that I am alright and that we are going to be alright. And his embrace ensures me that at this point, nothing else (bad) is going to happen to me. Though I am literally afraid, I know that I only fear what had already happened to me. He has me covered.

Eventually law enforcement arrived sans sirens and purposeful movements. We leave because, well, danger. From what we can see, it does not appear that there was a gunman. It looks as if someone threw things at the window. But we don’t know for sure. We are only certain about moving expeditiously to a safer place.

Afraid. It’s loneliness, you know, being afraid. And I have the lion’s share of loneliness (in my heart, at least). I know it well. It’s devoid of sound #thesilenceofmymind. Of feeling. Of progress. It stops me from moving in any direction – even backwards. I don’t understand things. I over understand things. I can’t find the words to say…or write.

Why would someone attempt such an assault on a Mexican restaurant? Was there someone or something inside they were after? Did they know there were mothers with their infant babies inside? Did they desire to strike fear in our hearts? Was something wrong with them mentally? Perhaps a random act of violence? Could this have been an accident? Misunderstanding? Should I have ordered tacos instead of nachos? #ItWasTuesday

Too many things to ponder as I attempted to verbalize my erratic feelings. Then RMF said it…I totally thunk it though. He just got married. What a tragic thing to happen literally day after being married. His wife. His beautiful wife. He is thankful that his wife was not there.

That comment had nothing to do with me. He didn’t say that to hurt me. Or to push me further into my despair. But to think that I didn’t go there would be false. To say that there isn’t some of that residual feeling left would be a more heinous lie. It’s not that people in my life aren’t worried about me, or wouldn’t worry about me had they known, in the moment what was happening, it’s just that my I haven’t met yet-somebody's son isn’t here to care. To make me leave my office like RMF did. To make me open up and say something about my feelings before they turned to complete madness. To do all the things he could to fix it, though he was sitting right across from me, there to experience it.

My conference hubby described it as a bout of loneliness…and I suppose I’ll have to do a couple of  a few many rounds with it for a while. He told me that I needed to let it go. Right? Let God have his way... That I was amazing. And that there was good stuff ahead of me. That’s hard to see from the floor of a Mexican restaurant. At least hard to see if you were me. If you were RMF, you saw all of that…which was why you (he) took command of that situation, made sure that I was okay, and made sure we were safe.

I couldn’t bring myself to go out in public the next day because, well…fear (among a host of other feelings). While doing nothing about my current situation, I checked my email. I forwarded an email from one email client to the other. As I did that, I stopped and stared at the automated signature which populated in the message:

Life is short, live it. Love it rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it.  Memory is sweet, cherish it. in an email signature.
Fear is awful honey…you just have to face it though. That means you have to go outside. You have to live. And it will be hard, but TR has been telling you since forever and a day to do it afraid…and this is real fear. And this is what it sometimes means to do it afraid.

It’s funny. I’ve talked numerous times about provisions. How our parents make provisions for us. I came to this realization in a Ball Pit. Who knew though, that I would be making provisions for myself? That I would find a collection of words that would motivate me to move through my hesitation, through my doubt, through my fear.

Fear is not real. The only place fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination causing us to fear things that do not, at present and may not ever, exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me, Danger is very real. But fear is a choice. #WillSmith #AfterEarth

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