Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hi, I'm N.R.G-Oleksy-Jones!

Cheers! #WineGlass
So about that middle last name... #HereWeGo
Recently, a friend composed a blog post which she discussed the types of female friends every female should have in her circle It’s interesting (and also linked to this here post)…you should check it out. She mentioned the friend that will encourage you. The Uplifter. The one that always has something kind to say. Will support you come hell, high water, or stiletto heels. A prayer warrior! Lord knows I am constantly in need of prayer.

I have some really amazing people in my circle. People who have come through for me when I did not know that I needed them to help me break though. Crazy, right? Well, I was thinking about FMB’s post, and where I would classify the people in my life. Wait, that’s a lie. I was walking Lake Merritt and I thought about mimosas, which made me think of brunch, which got me wanting some time with my “mom” M.O.m and then I realized which kind of friend she was. She was that friend.

She is that friend. My Uplifter.

I could give you an exhaustive list of all the ways she embodies that for me. But the reality is, I don’t have to prove to you know what I know to be true #somtimesIrhyme. I can however, tell you about this one time. Okay, maybe these two times. Mostly because of what they meant to me, meant for me, and how (most especially) the moved me.

So, before TR messaged this to me:

My dear... I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but you won't be a writer one day. You are a writer. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. Forever. Your blog is amazing. And I agree with Mr. 20D. Get out of your own way and soar… #ShesSoPolite,Huh?

…I was still trying to figure out what to do about this writing thing. And at dinner, MO.m said that I should take pieces that I’ve already written and post them on a blog. See what kind of response I get. I thought to myself, “Um, ain’t nobody got time to be putting their business in all the internets of the world. Plus, who outside of the people who know me will care?” That’s what I thought. And it felt like she knew what I was thinking. Because she looked at me so lovingly. With so much care. Like she knew I was waiting for that friendly “out”. You know, when we let our friends off the hook when they become so anxious about their greatness. We push them off into their break though the next day, because the terror in their eyes almost breaks your heart?

She then said to me, “How about you send me something you’ve written? I’ll read it over and give you some feedback about it.”

It seems such a small thing. You know. Being a friend and offering help. But it was not her offering help. It was her, injecting herself into my dream that I was too small to see. Without knowing (maybe she did) she knew that I was going to need someone inside of my dream reminding me how great it was to have dreamt something so lovely in the first place. And how even more amazing it is going to be to live it.

With that, #TheGirlieGurlChronicles got a title. *My CJC loves the fact that the title is hashtagged*

And then there was this other time we were planning to hang out. As we were going back and forth figuring out what to do, I suggested we “veg out,” you know, get our Pretty Woman on? I could not muster up the energy to run, I didn’t feel like doing anything healthy, and honestly, lifting a fork to my mouth felt like waaay too much cardio. Who doesn’t want to just hang, watch TV, and catch up? Of course everyone does. But MO.m has seen my dream, so she knew she couldn’t let me off the hook that easy. Maybe we can go for a walk? A hike? Spend some time outside enjoying the lovely California sun? Or brunch, mimosas and Oprah? I mean, she said mimosas…what was I supposed to choose? Right? Right. Point is, she knew that I needed to know where to go when I feel like #14in2014 is too much – because it will. She knows how bad I want those medals – and she won’t be the reason I don’t get them.

MO.m is a very special lady. Kind. Thoughtful. Loving. Encouraging. She always asks…she never assumes she knows. She isn’t the friend to push you off the cliff. She’ll nudge you to the edge, because she knows how important it is for you to decide to jump on your own. I love that she wants me to have that moment. She stands right with you. Every step of the way. Hopeful smile. Warm hugs. Cheery disposition. You have to wonder how bad things happen to people like her. I suppose that’s life’s way of telling me that if bad stuff is happening to her and she’s that awesome, maybe you shouldn’t be crying over some of these cards you kinda dealt yourself. AND, if she’s finding a way to figure it all out, make sense of all it (she really is) then get over it and live on.

She is like a horcrux I inadvertently made one day, at a winery, hanging out, with her. Like Voldemort made of Harry. There’s this little part of me that lives right inside of her. We’re connected. All my most amazing, most personal, most unimaginable dreams are deep down inside of her. Living. Growing. And she reminds me that they are alive when I don’t think it’s possible.

I’m lucky to have even met her #ThanksSamuel. Blessed she genuinely cares about me.

#HighlyFavored that MO.m believes in me.

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