Monday, January 27, 2014

SHUT UP AND SWEAT: Race 2, Medal 1

Coyotes though? Maybe that's my spirit animal.

  “I believe the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity, is daring to dare.” #MayaAngelou

Yea, I wish I would have seen her shirt around Mile 1. By Mile 5, when she passed by, I pretty much said all there was to say.

The first medal of the year was kinda awesome. You know me, loving a challenge, right? The first medal race of the year was a 10K, (inclining) trail run, whilst having the bubonic plague. Good grief! Whatever I have feels like it can only be cured by one of those plants from the Avatar or something. I coughed the entire time!

Pre Race Instructions: Run to the right, because there will be faster runners passing you by (wait, are we running or driving?) #PassOnTheLeft. Follow the pink flags, not the other runners, so you don’t get lost. The other courses are marked with other colors. Also, be sure to note the chalk arrows on the ground to keep on the path. Here’s a map, just in case you get lost.  (wth? No street signs? Uh, no fool...It's A TRAIL!).

Start Line: I’on know about this Kim. What's that? Meet you at the snacks? Okay.

Mile 1: I think this was a bad idea. I’ve never run a trail. Maybe we should have done the 5K. I mean, you get a medal anyway. It’s not like anyone would have known. I wonder the color of the 5K flags?

Mile 2: *cough*cough* Oh, what’s that feeling? That’s strange. Whoa. I think I’m about to throw up. Oh okay, I am. How about I just walk the rest of this mile? Yep. Walking sounds good.

Mile 3: Man, I should have signed up for the half! Look at all of this nature, it’s hella nice. *cough* I mean, that was like the last hill we’re going to go up, right?

Mile 4: *still going uphill* Half my a$$! You ought to be lucky that you finished half this damn race. Focus. What color flags am I supposed to follow again? *cough*hack*cough*

NP: Gone Under #SnarkyPuppy #ShaynaSteele…hmph. How appropriate.

Mile 5: Oh nice. I can’t breathe. *cough*cough* Why can’t I breathe? I’m not even going that fast. Oh, my necklace has wrapped itself about my headphones. I’ll just stop and take it off. *stops*charm drops*reverses* Dammit! Man, fck this trail. *tear*

Mile 6: Father God In Heaven, if we go up any higher, I’m going to see the bottom of Peter’s sandals at the pearly gates! Does this trail ever go down?

Finish: My calf muscles are beat-boxing. Whoa. Is this medal made of titanium?! *cough* Yaaassssssss!!!

Next time you get sick, run on a trail. I actually felt better despite the desperate breathing, vomiting and gasping for air! Once that was done, I actually felt great. I could breathe. I wasn’t sneezing. And then I would hack again. lol

As I was running, walking, and regurgitating my life on the trail, I thought about the next 13 races. I do not think the running is going to be the hard part. I know how to show up on time, Start and Finish. That’s going to be the easiest part of this.

When I got to my Uncle to switch cars back, I was eager to show him my medal. Hey, this one is special…it’s the first of 2014!

Me: Look Uncle, I did it!!! *I’m a big’ole’kid around him*
Uncle: Yea, I know you did it. Oh, so what? You finally won this time? #unimpressed
Me: No, I didn’t win… Are you crazy?! You get a medal when you finish.
Uncle: You always finish…
Me: *smiling* Indeed I do.

I can start and finish. I proved that long before #14in2014. The real challenge? How #14in2014 changes me. What will I become? How will respond to that new me? Who is she going to be? What will you see during this? Through this? At the end of all this running?

Well, at least for today, it made me anxious for the next medal. February can’t get here soon enough!

Today’s Race: 10K, Coyote Hills, Fremont CA
Medaled Miles to date: 6.2 miles
Total Raced Miles to date: 9.3 miles
13 Medals To Go ǁ 7% Complete

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