Thursday, April 17, 2014

#BlackGirlHairProblems Reconsidered

Except this. No reconsidering this. #HandsOff
...because sometimes, you have to look in the mirror and reconsider some stuff.

I told you all about this one time I read this one book that made me realize that well, I can kinda relate to white people. But more so than that, challenged this concept of a particular color to problems. Like depression. Yo, that ish is real and don’t care if you’re from Jackson, Jamaica or Jerusalem. You better get that ish checked. Depression be like “eeF yo ethnicity, nationality, race and address... I come stronger than the IRS son. Get at me! Sike... Got at you first!!!

So if our problems don’t have color what things do?

Hair. #blackgirlhairprobs

Just like the conversation I had with my Goddaughters, when I stay in the Brady home, my friend AWB gets a firsthand look into my nightly ritual (even when my hair is braided). I gotta wrap my hair up tight before I go to bed. This amazing awesomeness gestates under a silk scarf every night. 

It's a thing. 
And because of this my friend and I aren’t the same, right? She blow-dries her hair every morning. I would lose the moisture in my toes if I had to wash my hair every (other) day. A ponytail or messy bun is what potentially consists of her nightly hair preparation. If I don’t double knot, bow and pray over my head scarf, it’s coming off as soon as I hit REM (the sleep, not the music). She shampoos and conditions regularly. I flat iron and oil sheen with extreme attention to detail #edges #newgrowth.

And there is nothing wrong with that. We’re different. She has #whitegirlhairmanagement procedures and I have #blackgirlhairtrialsandtribulations.

mmhmmmm #bacon
As I was doing my hair one past morning, after a restful night in Brady Manor #theyalwaysleavethelightonforme, I went into the bathroom to do my hair. I took out my black comb, my oil sheen, my hair clips and purple brush. I began unearthing my hair from the turban like wrap about my (not big) head. As I reached for my brush to start the process, I noticed there were two brushes. My purple one and another one. And I almost picked up the wrong one, because aside from the color they were the same type of brush. 

How can #whitegirlhairmanagement and #blackgirlhairprobs be resolved using the same equipment? 

I don’t know. But, I do know this. Sometimes, the only difference is color. We are probably more alike than different than we sometimes assume. I do social justice, diversity and inclusivity work every day, and I am still learning. Still growing. Still amazed about when I do, and sometimes don’t recognize difference – and celebrate it!

But... Mama told me that I bet’not’be using other people’s combs (and brushes). So there’s that.

Yes ma’am.

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