Monday, March 17, 2014


I am contagious. People want to run. I make this look fun. Hella fun. So much fun, I have already come to the realization that I am going to do waaaay more than 14 races, and there will probably be more than 14 medals. I am seriously thinking that by November, I will be done (not even counting the extra medal I get for the challenge series #IRunTheBay #IRunTheCoast), if not sooner.

So, now that you all know about #44in2014…uh, I mean #14in2014, you have been great about being encouraging, cheering me on, following the blog (lurking really, yall ain’t signed up to follow it tho #addthate-mailsoIknowitsreal #ShotsFiredAtThePersonWhoToldMeToStartADamnBlog), and telling me about great races I can do – sometimes races I can do WITH you. Yall don’t know how much that means to playa runner like me.

Angelica Rollerskates hits me up on that book with hella faces about a Saturday race. She’s all like, “...yea, I’m planning to do this, wanna do it with me?” And I’m all like, “Duh... Wait, um, I get a medal right?” And she was like, “...heck yea WE get a medal.” *In her #DontForgetAboutMeTho voice lol*

I go to the website. Check out the race deets, then I see it. The date of the race. That day was Tuesday (3/11). The race was Saturday (3/15). So, quite naturally, I did what any person given 3 whole days in between knowing about the race, and having to be present at the start line would do. “I’ll register for it Wednesday (3/12).”

Damn that, I’m ‘bout these medals tho. I told you. It’s a serious fckin matter.

Now, it was an amazing experience, but an awful experience at the same damn time. First, there was no race expo. You have to arrive an hour early before any of the races start to get your “packet” – which consisted of a tech tee (amazing) and a race bib with no name (awful).

There was a start line, as in a line, made with blue string (awful) but a cool finishing tent marking the end of 6.2 miles (amazing). I ran a beautifully scenic trail (amazing & awful) that was well marked only to have to run to the finish line up one more final incline. Though again, the trail was well marked (amazing) and I did not get lost or make a wrong turn (blue flags) there were NO, I repeat NO MILE MARKERS (freaking awful)! I tried to tell them that I needed the mile markers so you all would know what I was thinking, but they ain’t even listen tho. So, here’s what you get… My unorganized thoughts. Good luck…

Start: Is that really a blue string in front of us tho? And a man with a bullhorn? Oh, okay. Just checking.
Pink flags (10k). Follow them. Polka dotted flags = turns. Don’t forget, you’re following the orange flags (half marathon). Wait, what? I thought they were yellow (5k). Dammit…pink! Ugh, I hate trail races. Is that a BART train in the distance? We probably hella close to my homeboy’s spot. I should see what he’s up to. Dang, I love Florence + The Machine – I’m glad I put this on my playlist. How far have I run? Oh, there’s nobody else around me. I think I might be last #welp. I want some bacon. Damn rocks in my shoes. I hate trail runs; this is it, no more of these! I should go to DSW later – I mean I deserve it, right? It’s supposed to be 80° today; maybe I should go faster so I don’t get caught in the heat #damnyouslow maybe. Well, I needed to get a good run in before #RunLikeHellaInOakland with the homeys…ahahahaha Rollin wit’the homies…I love that movie #Clueless. Did we really pay $5 to park here? We did. I hate trail races…I’m never doing one of these again. That nap I am going to take after this is going to be everything! I swear Janelle, you come on right on time. I’m going to need some of that Victory because these disrespectful muddasuckas made the finish line UP a daggone incline. I’m pretty sure I see the tent on what looks like the mountain top Dr. King was preaching about. #icant

Finish: Don’t. Pass. Out. You. Are. Too. Cute. To. Fall. Down. In. Front. Of. These. People.

Yo, that medal tho? It was everything. That  yellow? I could not have been happier to get my medal, my brunch and my butt in a shower. Because not only was I winning, I was about to see my Bruins do the same thing.

Adorned with my 4th medal of the year, baby blue polo and yellow G by Guess wedges, I made my way to Oakland, to see my UCLA Bruins defeat Arizona and become the Pac 10 12 Champions! #MyMotherAlwaysWantedMeToBeABruin #8Clap

Moral of the story? If you decide to do something crazy like run 14 races and get 14 medals in a year, and a really good friend #likeasister hits you up on Facebook about the race and gives you no time to even put it on your running calendar or even check to see if you are free to even run the race in the first place, DO IT!

Why? Because you will get a medal and your favorite college basketball team will win. Trust me. You can trust me because I’m a runner, and I’ve done the research.

Today’s Race: 10K, Zoom! Quarry Lakes, Fremont CA
Medaled Miles to date: 23.57 miles

Total Raced Miles to date: 26.67miles
10 Medals To Go ǁ 29% Complete


  1. sooooo ready for #runlikehellainoakland!!

    1. Yaaaassssssssss!!! Saturday/Sunday can't get here soon enough! I can't wait to see you...
