Thursday, February 20, 2014


I am in my 30’s…and I still have an overwhelming fear of calling an older person by their first name. No number of degrees, education or experience can make me forget the how with extreme prejudice my parents whooped my butt for this #ItWasEPIC. It was just once. It is never happening again. Trust. I believe in my heart, even to this very day, that if I were to call an older person by their first name, the heavenly army would come down from on high and strike me with the all consuming power of Jesus…The Christ.

My Mommie once tried to tell me how a particular medication worked post Physiological Sciences degree that she looks at everyday because I had to send it to her – or never come home again. And you know how I feel about sweet potato pie. She was completely wrong – about the medication. But she was right. And I told her she was right. And then I said, Yes Ma’am…I’ll take this ‘tussin for my migraine.

I’ve had supervisors who I believed to be crazy as dingbats. And they were. Crazy. As Dingbats. I showed up for work every single day. I even stayed late to get the job done. With no hope of overtime. I did everything I was told to do – often without protest.

Let ole Dudley Do-Right (as Daddie calls him) pull me over because I forgot to pay attention to the speedometer. You better believe after I pray, beg, and cry some REAL tears, the cruise control will be set. Ain’t nobody got time for any more speeding tickets or points on their license.

My grandmother would not let us wear pants to Church. Not even to Vacation Bible School! Do you know how many outfits we went through that week?! I am still afraid to wear pants to service. There was this one time, in Atlanta, I forgot my church clothes in my haste to pack. Every single picture I took in the House of the Lord was from the waist up. #TakeAFullLengthPictureOrItDidntHappen  #YouAintGotMeOnTapeWearingPantsToChurch

What does all this mean? Glad you asked.

A Facebook friend posted the following:

So I've come to the conclusion that I want a woman who is ok with and understands what it means to be "Submissive" as it relates to our relationship/marriage. Am I passed that time? And will I most likely never have a successful relationship due to wanting this in a woman? Thinking out loud today...

Then I went to Church and we studied the following:

17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. #Hebrews13

And it made complete sense. And then I started writing out loud in Church. And kind of missed parts of the message writing this one. #MyBadJesus #ADHD

The response to his thinking out loud provokes the question,
 How does one develop that understanding of what means to be submissive? How did I come to understand it? To know it? To believe it? To be it without thinking? I am no anomaly by any means, but it’s not like I am the standard either. Right?

Well, the answer is, submission is not a one way street. We tend to think that it requires one person (most generally the woman) to just do. And that be it. And to some extent that’s true. I just have to listen without knowing the why, or doing just because it’s said – sometimes without an explanation. I have to obey them that have rule over me, so my Uncle can take the keys to my car, and without protest I will “sat down” somewhere. Without anger or frustration. Just not always knowing that he’s doing it for my good.

My uncle, just like my parents watch my soul because they must give account and the more I resist, the more unprofitable this life becomes for me. What is missing then, in the contemporary definition of submission? Responsibility. For me to be in submission to everything you are, you must be responsible to God for your leadership. The question then becomes, as another friend so eloquently responded, what type of leadership are you offering?

I cannot answer that for you. But I can tell you the central part of it – humility. Having the humility to admit when you are wrong. And here is what that looks like:

My friend AWB, the inspiration for the Disney Post #myapologies, and I were eating at her home. The man who gave her the “B” in her name took her Izze. When she attempted to reclaim her drink, he emphatically stated that it was his, and she COULD drink the other flavor IF she wanted. She looked to me for support, as I witnessed her bringing the drink into the house. However, because AW was having a conversation with Mr. B, I CC’d my way out of it. She only engaged in the discussion for a short while. She did not argue her being right, which she was, to the end. She conceded and continued eating.

Later that evening, Mr. B emerged from the bedroom to admit that he was “mistaken” and that the drink did not belong to him. At the very moment she could have “Sherman’d” him, she accepted his #KindaSorta apology and went about her business.

That’s submission. And at least for me, that is what has been missing in my various failed attempts at a couple of forevers. Not to say that I always get the submission part right #I’llHaveToGiveMyAccounting4ThatToo, but on the whole, if you’re the boss, you got it. I am many things, coachable and obedient are on the list. But what happens when you are wrong? Do you admit it with a humble heart? In my experience that has not been the case. And though all those attempts ended because they decided to leave me, the reality is, at least then, they were not meant for me.

Submission is a lonely place. It’s a night of no sleep because the ‘tussin hasn’t done anything but made you feel like an idiot for actually taking it without protest, whilst attempting to sleep on a couch - on a couch with a clear visual path to your Physiological Sciences degree #wasteofSalliesMoney. It is a silent place. A padded room with no doors or windows. Just walls illuminating the truth that haunts you on your journey down the wrong path. Because all you wanted to do after a long day was drink the Izze that belonged to you, but somehow didn't belong to you, until someone realized it belonged to you. And you are amazed that you stayed sane just long enough to “taste & see” the apple flavored truth. can say nothing. You cannot do anything. You have to be right and be silent. When you submit, the truth does not set you free. It is just another hashtag in your lifeline.

Baby, don't let the Girl Scouts come between us... #samosas
Sir, you are going to make some mistakes leading. And, My Good Man, in order for you to give an accounting of your leadership to the Lord on that day, you will also have to give an account for all the wrong turns (and Izzes) you took, and those under your charge wrong turning with you. Because you liked it. And put a ring on it and/or a baby in it.  

Want me to submit to you? No Problem. Just admit to me that you are going to get it wrong sometimes.

I know that is hard. Believe me, I know. And it is totally okay that you are going to get it wrong sometimes. No harm. No foul.

I forgave you already.

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