Sunday, February 16, 2014


I could not of asked for better weather! #butIfoolishlydid

…which started out as “drive without ceasing” because I was almost late. Again. #14in2014 is not starting out as timely as I thought it would. I took a little extra time getting ready for Coyote Hills. I misplaced my iPod on my way to this race, the Bay Breeze. Thanks to my Valentine, MO.m, it was quickly recovered and I was on my way to San Leandro via the San Mateo Bridge. God, I hate that bridge.

I was not nearly as prepared for this race as Coyote Hills physically. Mentally, I was there. After the haste to the wet, grassy, start line, I said to myself, You’re going to run the whole way, start to finish. And myself replied, Okay. Got it.

Me was busy pining the race bib to our shirt. #multitasking

I knew there was something special about this day, about this race. Only it didn’t come to me until I got in the car.

Pre-Race: As much as I love Brazen Racing, this start line in the grass is not it. I promise, if you fall down in front of all these people on this wet grass, there will be hell to pay. No shoe shopping for a month. #ImAStrictDisciplinarian

Start Line: You agreed. Run the whole way. You got this. #JasonMraz #YouAndIBoth

Mile One: Thank you Jesus this course is flat. I should have thought about that before I agreed to run the entire way, without proper training! #ThankYouFatherGodInHeavenByTheManger #Grace #Mercy

Mile Two: Okay sun, anytime now. Anytime… Now… Okay? No sun? None? Not even a twinkle? Damn.

Mile Three: Hmph. That’s interesting. That guy has a race bib on like mine. And he’s on his way back. Interesting. Oh, and she is too. Is there another race happening here, today, on the same course? No? Same race? #DamnImSlow

Mile Four: I promise, if these #BlackGirlsTrying2Run don’t quit this #RunningNotRunning #WalkingRunningAgain in front of me, I’m picking up one of these rocks on this #TrailNotTrail and throwing it.

Mile Five: This has got to be the strangest, most awesomemist playlist ever. You realize that after Oye Como Va went off, Maybach Music came on? How you are going to explain that one to your kids? There is no sensible explanation. See, the way my iTunes is set up…

Then… #JanelleMonae #Victory …this is the 2nd time this has happened at Mile 5 #GodsTrynaTaTellMeSomethin

Mile Six: I think I have some dark chocolate almonds in the car from Trader Joes. Oh yes. It’s. About. To. Go. Down... My Throat.

Finish: I could actually run more. I should have seriously considered the Half. #LOLyeahright #GirlBye

And with every post race, there is the #madnotmad dash for the medal, nourishment and photo shoot! I did them all. All by myself (with I & Me of course)… I was in line watching the excited smiles of the ladies in front of me. The one, still posing in front of the finisher’s backdrop waved me into the photo… Girl, I feel like I know you, get in this picture! I hurriedly obliged. I mean, hello!?!? #MedalRaceDay Everybody gets a photo with the champ! We soon realized that we were indeed acquainted on Facebook. I subconsciously thanked Mark for being a man with a dream.

I walked around a bit longer admiring all the smiles and demolishing the free sustenance. Everyone was so happy – runners, spectators event organizers and volunteers alike. It was really nice to see all these people, of all walks and ways of life, assembled here to run for whatever their 2014 means to them. All the clapping as runners crossed the finish line.

Then I left. I had an important invite to a special lil’lady’s birthday up a mountain that I just could not miss.

Say something about my height... #ImTall,InHeels
Whilst in the car, I sent some (picture)mail to someone who makes me smile. We don’t talk every day, and we don’t even have a plan in place to see each other again. There’s a hope though, but no plan. He congratulated me on my finish. And I was surprised to be able to congratulate him on his – he didn’t even tell me he was running! He was the first person I messaged on Race Packet Pick-Up Day, and he still he said nothing about his race. He let me have my moment #HeAlwaysDoes. See, he ran the inaugural race of the year with me. And then did it again in his hometown. Because it’s cold, and hot chocolate running is abundant. In that moment, not knowing at the start he had finished something so sweet, I felt this incredible happiness.

And maybe his running is not all about me. But, it definitely has something to do with me.

And that is the sweetest thing.

Today’s Race: 10K, Bay Breeze, San Leandro/Alameda CA
Medaled Miles to date: 12.4 miles
Total Raced Miles to date: 15.5 miles
12 Medals To Go ǁ 14% Complete

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